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  1. Manufacturer: Maytag Type of Appliance: Range Model Number: Mer8650es0 Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): Yes Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): Yes Need schematic/diagram info
  2. repeated failure ( every couple weeks) of my TCO and or Hi-limit fuses. started about month ago. seems to be a not so common problem and looking for solutions.
  3. Manufacturer: MAYTAG Type of Appliance: REFRIGERATOR Model Number: MFI2570FEZ Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): YES Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): YES NEED THE SERVICE MANUAL AND TECH SHEET THANK YOU VERY MUCH
  4. Ladies and Gentlemen; Does anyone know if there's a safe way to jumper/ jump-start the compressor from the Control Board? I'm pretty sure mine is bad - have a new one on the way. Trying to keep the fridge cool until the new part arrives. . .
  5. MAYTAG TOP LOAD WASHER - MODEL MAV551EEWW I’ve got a Maytag Top Load Washer - Model No. MAV551EEWW - and I’ve recently had to replace the Drain Pump when it became noisey. Before concluding that I needed a new Drain Pump, I had taken the washer almost completely apart (removed wiring connections from control board, removed ground wire screws, removed drive motor, removed drive belt, and finally removed drain hoses/pump) - after receiving the new Drain Pump and installing it, I’ve got everything all but put back together....The ONLY thing I’ve now run into is I cannot remember where all the ground wires either screw/mount onto the frame!! Help!!! There are a total of either four or five ground wire connections - two are located by the drive motor; one connects to the frame of the washer cabinet, the he other connects to the mounting plate for the motor - then the other two or three grounds are up top by the control panel/power cord wiring/front panel/lid switch. Please help me figure it out - I know it’s a grounding issue because I’ve tripped our breaker three times for the outlets/lights in our laundry room upon trying to plug the washer in to test the new pump!
  6. Manufacturer: Maytag Type of Appliance: Washer Model Number: Mvwc5esxw0 Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): Yes Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): Yes Service manual needed
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Service Manual PUB 16000132 for models DE9000, DG9900, DE9800, DG9800, DE9700, DG9700, DE8600, DG8600, DE8500, DG8500, DE8420, DG8420, DE8410, DG8410, DE8300, DG8300, DE8200, DG8200, DE8000, DG8000, DE7800, DG7800, DE7600, DG7600, DE7500, DG7500, DE7400, DG7400, DE5910, DG5910, DE4910, DG4910, DE4000, DG4000
  8. I have a Maytag Epic Electric Dryer MEDZ600TW2 Both the Power and Start buttons are hanging on by a thread. Thinking, oh that will be an easy part to swap. No No, it is connected to the User Interface Control Board which is about $170. Looking for a work-around to get these buttons back to working order. Any thoughts? Image of buttons: https://ibb.co/Yf6kjqr
  9. Manufacturer: Maytag Type of Appliance: Washer Model Number: Mvwb980bw0 Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): Yes Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): Yes Service manual needed
  10. Manufacturer: Maytag Type of Appliance: Dryer Model Number: Medc400vw0 Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): Yes Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): Yes Need for disassembly instructions
  11. Manufacturer: maytag Type of Appliance: washer Model Number: mvwc350aw Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): yes Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): yes service manual needed for disassembly thx
  12. Manufacturer: maytag Type of Appliance: gas dryer Model Number: ldg4914aae* Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): yes Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): yes need the service manual thx
  13. Manufacturer: MAYTAG Type of Appliance: WASHER Model Number: LAT9420AAE Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): YES Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): YES NEED THE SERVICE MANUAL THANKS
  14. Manufacturer: maytag Type of Appliance: WASHER Model Number: mah6500aww Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): yes Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): yes need service manual
  15. Manufacturer: maytag Type of Appliance: washer Model Number: MVWB700VQ0 Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): yes Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): yes need the service manual and tech sheet thank you...
  16. Manufacturer: maytag Type of Appliance: washer Model Number: MHW5500FC1 Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): yes Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): yes I just need the tech and service sheets for this model thank you
  17. Manufacturer: MAYTAG Type of Appliance: DISWASHER Model Number: mdb7749awm2 Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): yes Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): yes i need the tech/service sheet, thank you
  18. Version 1.0.0


    PUB W10187317 Rev A
  19. Samurai Appliance Repair Man

    Normal defrost drain in a Maytag Refrigerator

    From the album: Refrigerator Repair

    If you see a defrost drain that looks like this, this is normal. You need to be able to recognize normal when you see it. Otherwise you'll be chasing your tail trying to "fix" something that is NOT a problem to begin with!
  20. Looking for assistance with finding a replacement Felt Drum Liner for a Maytag Neptune Dryer MDE9700AYW. I am having trouble believing that there is no replacement available, but that is what it is looking like based on other forums. It is felt of a certain length attached by heat resistant glue. Any guidance would be appreciated. Right now the only guidance was to buy the whole drum unit (Drum Roller) with the integral felt (approximately $216 on one site). That is unacceptable in my opinion from a company like Maytag. This forum has helped me replace the motor and control panel for the twin unit washer MAH8700AWW. Let's see if we can do it again! ==========Some Relevant Articles that may help or reinforce my doom================ http://www.shopyourway.com/questions/1157067 http://www.appliancepartspros.com/answers-for-whirlpool-seal-w10612022-ap5737110-question-63234.html http://www.appliancepartspros.com/whirlpool-drum-w10296563-ap4502407.html http://www.partselect.com/Models/MDE9700AYW/ http://www.justanswer.com/appliance/71bxm-maytag-model-mde9700ayw-drier-when-spins-sounds.html
  21. File Name: Whirlpool Front-Load, Direct-Drive Washers (Alpha2) Tech Sheets File Submitter: RegUS_PatOff File Submitted: 18 Jan 2014 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Whirlpool Front-Load, Direct-Drive Washers (Alpha2) Tech Sheets MHW8000AG0 MHW8000AW0 WFW96HEAC0 WFW96HEAU0 WFW96HEAW0 Tech Sheet - W10441104A MHW3000BG0 MHW3000BW0 MHW4200BG0 MHW4200BW0 MHW6000AG0 MHW6000AW0 MHW7000AG0 MHW7000AW0 WFW70HEBW0 WFW80HEBC0 WFW80HEBW0 WFW8640BC0 WFW8640BW0 WFW86HEBC0 WFW86HEBW0 WFW88HEAC0 WFW88HEAW0 WFW94HEAC0 WFW94HEAW0 Tech Sheet - W10441081B MHW3000BG1 MHW3000BW1 MHW4200BG1 MHW4200BW1 NFW5700BW0 W10441082A WFW70HEBW1 WFW80HEBC1 WFW80HEBW1 WFW8640BC1 WFW8640BW1 WFW86HEBC1 WFW86HEBW1 Tech Sheet - W10441082A N/A, yet Click here to download this file
  22. 246 downloads

    PUB W10156733
  23. 796 downloads

    Maytag Washer MVWB850WQ0 MVWB850WB0 MVWB850WL0 MVWB850WR0 Repair Part List - W10270226 Tech Sheet - W10093831
  24. 104 downloads

    PUB W10117402A
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