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  1. Door bellows had a tear so time to replace. I got the part number 134728400 which is the current part number for my machine ATF8000FS1. I got the old one on off, installed the new part, all went smooth except the back part is a little tough to get on, but I did it. Put everything back together and the washer door won't shut. I double checked my work and all was done correctly. The new one looked a little deeper then the one I took off. I checked the part number on the old one and it was stamped 134739800. I looked online and 134728400 (the new part I had) is the replacement for part number 134739800. Is there a trick? Is there a known issue? I checked on various sites and everyone says that the new one has replaced the old one. Any Ideas? Brian 134728400 is the replacement for part number 134739800 which is the part number stamped on the old bellows.
  2. In the middle of putting away dishes, I found this plastic gasket/belt. This gasket was inside with my dishes, I have no idea where it came from. Got a breakdown of the dishwasher and didn't see that gasket anywhere, so I wanted to check on here before I dismiss it. Pictures are attached for reference. Top view, side view, and close up. Thank you.
  3. Hello can someone advise how to install the door seal properly? The washing machine was leaking water under the door seal. I have replaced it and tested the machine on a wash cycle. It no longer leaks but the seal is rubbing against the drum when it spins. It squeals while spinning, and started smoking and melting the rubber. I re-installed the leaking seal to check how it fit against the drum. There was a gap of 2mm so it did not touch the drum anywhere. The new seal is definitely wider on the section that touches the drum. Does this need to be trimmed before installation? Looking forward to an easy fix! Thanks
  4. Hi all, Recently an approx 1 1/2" piece of the gasket around the door on my 29 yr-old Frigidaire dishwasher (Cdn model BF44P1) broke away from the rest of the gasket, causing a fair bit of water to leak out onto the kitchen floor. Other than that, the dishwasher is in pretty decent shape and, although we are planning on replacing it during an upcoming renovation, we haven't yet finalized those details so don't really want to "jump the gun" on the complete appliance package at this point. I have called around/web searched all of the 'usual suspects' but the best they have been able to offer so far is that it has been discontinued, there is no aftermarket equivalent and so the gasket is not available. Given that, it appears that what I am looking for is the original Frigidaire dishwasher door gasket laying in a warehouse or appliance parts store somewhere out there. Reliable Parts in British Columbia was able to tell me that the part number I am looking for is 3021471020 (which I have googled extensively without success). So, what I am asking is if anyone has any ideas on how I would have the best chance of locating said part. Or, failing that, is there any reliable way to repair the gasket to give our dishwasher another year or two (unlike most 'modern' dishwashers, this gasket goes all the way around the door, not 3/4 of the way around the tub with a small 'strip' along the bottom of the door)? Thanks in advance for any ideas, thoughts or suggestions! Dazed
  5. 10yo. Replaced the latch and strike plate. Goes about 30 mins before the door pops. If I weight against the door, it finishes the cycle with no problem. Door is level left to right, front to back and opens at 90º, so the hinges appear to be OK. Gaskets/seals? 8193942 door AP6004030 inner tub
  6. It's me again. You guys helped me so much with getting my washing machine working (https://appliantology.org/topic/59674-lat5000aaw-maytag-transmission-problem/ ) that I have another question for you. So, the outer tub seal was leaking during the spin cycle. We bought a new one. We put it on, it's still leaking a little, but is much improved. It appears to be leaking because the lip/edge of one side of the outer tub is rusted/corroded. I sanded it down with emery cloth, but it's still leaking slightly. I'm assuming this is because it's pitted a bit, and not smooth. Now, I have the bright idea to caulk around the ring as a temporary fix, but I wanted to ask the forum two things: 1) Can I buy an outer tub for a Maytag LAT5000AAW? I tried looking online but I couldn't find anyone that had one for sale. I came up with the mfg. part number 205486. 2) I once had a stop motion animation class where we used plumber's putty to build maquettes. I think I could possibly build up the lip of the tub where it's corroded with plumber's putty, which will stick to metal no problem and is sandable, drimmel-able and most importantly water proof. This would be a project for later, but I was wondering if there is some material that you all, being appliance repair people, would recommend instead. How would you fix a leaking tub that has a rusty edge that is corroded? Any ideas? Thanks so much again for all your help!
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