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Master Samurai Tech Workshops

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Original, on-demand Master Samurai Tech training workshop videos for premium tech members!

Hundreds of hours of exclusive continuing technical education workshops for professional appliance techs available only here at Appliantology and at the Master Samurai Tech Academy. All available for tech members at Appliantology to watch anytime and up your appliance troubleshooting skills.

Chillout and watch or listen to these videos while driving between service calls to up your troubleshooting game and hone your Circuit Fu™ combat skills.

Watch on mobile or desktop at your convenience whenever, wherever.

To access these workshops and all the other info-goodies here at Appliantology, become a Professional Appliantologist today. If you need cost-effective, time-flexible, state-of-the-art appliance technical training, check out the Master Samurai Tech appliance repair school.

Click on one of the titles below to begin your journey to Total Appliance Awareness:

Running Service Calls

Basic Electricity and Circuits






Ovens, Ranges, and Microwaves


Other Training Sessions

Live Dojo Workshops

Your workshop trainer is Scott M. Brown, PE. Scott earned two engineering degrees, a Bachelors from University of Georgia and a Masters from Clemson University, and has over ten years experience working as an engineer designing manufacturing processes, hazardous waste remediation systems, and industrial ammonia refrigeration systems. Additionally, he is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) in the state of New Hampshire. Prior to beginning his university engineering studies, he was an avionics technician in the US Navy, troubleshooting and repairing computer-controlled radar systems to the component level on control boards. He started doing appliance repair almost 30 years ago for the fun of it and as a way to be self-employed.

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