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Analyzing the Schematic of a Samsung Dishwasher with Multiple Control Boards

Son of Samurai


Many techs are intimidated when they first look at a schematic -- but you don't have to be! You can make sense of any schematic, even one with multiple control boards, by following some simple troubleshooting principles. And that's what we're going to show you in this short clip from one of our many technical training webinar recordings

In it, we'll use a real-world tech sheet to demonstrate some of these principles, such as:

  • Identifying the control boards
  • Identifying the boards' power supplies
  • Identifying the boards' functions
  • ...and more!

Give it a watch and step up your game.

Want to watch the full schematic analysis and really dig into how this machine works? Click below -- viewable only by premium members.

Screenshot 2021-04-17 225213.png

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