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[Workshop] The Samurai System for Appliance Service Call Excellence


Son of Samurai
Tech Training

Event details

Are callbacks and wasted time on service calls taking a bite out of your income? You can eliminate this overhead by sticking to a structured, analytical troubleshooting strategy. That means implementing three key concepts: prediagnosis, clear customer communications, and specification-based troubleshooting.

The Samurai will show with practical examples how to bring all these ideas and more into your service call routine, empowering you to make your life easier and your wallet fatter.

This is not just for beginners. Even experienced techs will gain valuable insights on establishing and fine tuning their own troubleshooting strategy.

Who: This webinar is open to all of our tech members at Appliantology: Professional Appliantologists, Senior Appliantology Fellows, Master Samurai Tech Alumni, Master Samurai Tech Students, and Legacy Techs.

When: Sunday, November 24th @5:00 PM Eastern Time.

Where: We use join.me for all of our webinars. You must fill out the form linked below to get the connection details. If you only RSVP to this calendar event, you will not receive any connection details.

Also, when you join the webinar, you must enter a name in order to be let in.

How: Connect with your browser, or download the free Join.me app here: https://www.join.me/apps

Here are a couple tips to ensure that the webinars are a smooth, cool experience for you:

1. Arrive early to make sure your connection is working! Also, if you show up late for the webinar, you'll be lost.

2. When you join the webinar, you must enter a name in order to be let in.

3. For the best experience, download the free Join.me app: https://www.join.me/apps

4. Watch this ultra-short video on how to use your Join.me control console while you're in the web meeting because you're gonna wanna do cool stuff like correctly connect your audio (without producing the dreaded echo!) so you and everyone else can hear what the presenter is explaining.


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Can’t wait hope I can make this one love these webinars. 

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It makes the customer happy

Well, not always, but it makes me happy, and really, that's more important. 

My #1 rule is not not step into a steaming pile of brown stuff with my eyes open. 8-)

As soon as I start guessing, I'm spinning the wheel at a casino, not doing scientific testing with provable results.


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  • Team Samurai
Son of Samurai


@WAR369 Fill out the form linked in the event description, and the connection code will be sent to you.

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  • Team Samurai
Son of Samurai


For anyone who missed it, the recording is now up!


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