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Searching the Files section with wildcard search

I made this short little screencast on my iPhone so there’s no sound. I’m showing how to search the FILES section of Appliantology and using the wildcard “*” character to broaden the search. 

From the album:

Appliantology Help and Navigation

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Thank you Samurai! I can't tell you how many times I watched your video on my phone and still couldn't tell what you were doing. (for whatever reason, the cursor doesn't appear on screen and the video seemed to be moving at light speed.)
I finally got off my phone screen,  pulled it up on the laptop and watched it a bunch more times before finally calling in my wife to help me. 
Maybe I should be sending HER out on the service calls!

Oh well, if my humiliation can serve to help someone even less tech-savvy than myself, I will gladly bear it.   I will get there eventually!                                                                                                                               If anyone watches this in the future, you simply scrolled to the top of the home page screen and clicked on the search icon. (magnifying glass thingy) When you did that, it opened up another search bar (with magnifying glass icon) a little further down the page right below a green "Webinar Recordings Index Page" bar with a Bullhorn Icon. 

Below that are the words, "Content Search" and a list of choices such as, status updates, topics, blog entries, files, images etc... Here you clicked, "Files" then went up again to the previously mentioned search bar below the green bar with bullhorn that says, "Webinar Recordings Index Page"...

And THERE in that search bar,  you put in the truncated search request with wildcard character. (abbreviated/shortened model number with asterisk attached to end) I had previously understood that part, but was simply using it in the wrong place, and without clicking, "files".  If too many articles come up, simply add a few more characters of the complete  model number with asterisk (star) attached to end. Of course you already have a video of Mrs. Samurai explaining this which I must have watched dozens of times already. But somehow I never could find the, "files" location.                                                                      Thanks again for your patience! I promise that I am somewhat more mechanical than this exercise would lead you to believe! 

  • Team Samurai
Samurai Appliance Repair Man


Glad the video helped. Thanks for adding that write up on the search description. 

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