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Using John Guest Fittings

“John Guest” fittings is the name given to the seemingly magical fittings that hold a plastic tube in place without, apparently, anything. Even though the plastic tube is holding water at 60 psi (or more) pressure, the fitting holds the tube securely in place without a single drop of leakage.

How does this happen?

No one knows.

And no one cares, you just want to be able to remove the stupid tube when you need to like, say, to replace the water inlet valve on your fridge, or remove the water filter housing.

Now, for the first time ever in the history of the Universe, this ancient and mystical knowledge is revealed to you free of charge! Many a fine appliance warrior has died protecting this esoteric wisdom so please don’t profane their memory by using your new-found knowledge for nefarious purposes. This picture reveals the ancient secret of removing plastic tubing from the magical John Guest fittings.

When you re-install the tubing into the John Guest fitting, just be sure to push it in all the way. If you had to cut the tubing that’ll go into the fitting, make sure the cut is nice n’ flat, not sloped. You can see and buy various John Guest fitting here ==> http://appliantology...guest-fittings/

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