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  1. I'm planning on repainting the old gal but first want to install a new power cord and need to clean out and replace all the old grease that's seeping out. Meanwhile, I've only removed the rear end cap and it stopped working: no sound or movement when the speed control is moved. I can send photos if need be, but what is the first thing to look for in this case? Thanks, Ron
  2. Hi, Has any body experienced dismantling the Kenwood Prospero KM260 (MX260). I am following the service manual however I cannot seem to get the medium speed drive coupling or the high speed drive coupling undone - the manual says 'Turn in a clockwise direction to remove'. This I have tried but neither part will come undone. - Is there a trick to it i.e. push/raise and turn perhaps? Update, In the end I didn't have to take the high speed coupling off as this part has been superseded by another part. Repair by replacement.
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