I need a replacement main circuit board (it has the micro processor and a bunch of interface circuits) for this unit. This model has never been sold in the US. I bought it in Japan. It is specially designed for Japanese style bathtubs and includes a separate 50,000 BTU heater with a recirculating pump which keeps the water in your tub steaming hot. It also has a water level detector so that it automatically refills the tub as you scoop water out of it as is done in the Japanese style of bathing. Now the processor board has been blown out due to one of the electrolytic capacitors leaking juice which ate off a ground line on the PCB and caused the logic board to see -30 volts from the fan motor control circuit. Any ideas as to how I can get a new main board for this thing? I have made a very good circuit and functional diagram of the unit, and made a number of measurements regarding the operation of various subsystems if anyone would have any interest in them. Henry Heetderks hdh@ssl.berkeley.edu