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  1. Have a Maytag Bravos XL MCT washer, about 3 years old. It does not spin as it goes through the wash cycle (no matter the cycle selected). The lights indicate "rinse" and water flows fine into the tub but when it gets to "spin" it just sits there. After a period of time the washer aborts the cycle and it says "dRN" (drain) on the display and partially empties the tub, leaves about 2 to 2 1/2 gallons of water in the tub, drains again for the next 4 times the washer is turned on and off). After unplugging the machine for a couple of minutesand plugging it back in it will go all the way through the cycle as normal for 1 or 2 washes, then back to the same issues. I suspect the lidlock sensor mechanism, but not real sure. Need to check the switch out make sure it has continuity, first problem is to figure out how to get the top off the thing. BTW - Greetings from Louisiana, Mardi Gras starts today - Lesser le bon temp rouler!
  2. hixrn

    DV448AE dryer

    Samsung dryer display is working. Selected time dry, pressed start button and display says drying. (Also tried other cycles with same problem) Dryer is not spinning, and is not making any noises. No clicks, hums, nothing. No blowing noises. Drum will turn but not uneven or wobbly. Seems a little easier to turn than usual. Thinking it may be the belt, but wouldn't I hear the motor running if the belt is broken? Any ideas? Thanks
  3. Hotpoint Washer fills, drains but no spin or agitation. Lid switch passed continuity test. It started with occasional not pinning then no spinning and now no agitation, either. I opened up the front and checked for some visible trouble, but it looks as good as new (6 years old) and nothing loose. The motor occasionally turned with slow agitation and even spinned a bit once as I was testing it, but no more. Motor assembly looks very clean, LED on the circuit board lights 1 sec ON / 1 second OFF, indicating stand by mode while the timer goes thru its stages and clicking between modes as though it is working fine. Any ideas what it could be? Is there an easy way to test the timer with a multimeter? I am thinking of replacing the timer?
  4. Hi Everyone (and especially john63), I have what sounds like a very similar problem to this post from over 4 years ago: Basically, the dryer is not spinning even though it says it is drying. When I close the dryer door and hit "start", I can hear a click (like the starter relay closing), but the dryer doesn't spin or make any other noise. The display reads "drying" and the time left (like normal). I did everything in the abpove post, checked the voltage (243 Vac), checked the door switch (OK), checked the blower path (no obstructions or clogs). When I had the blower cover off I spun the blower and the dryer drum also turned in sync, so I believe the belts/pulleys are all ok. Next steps, where do I go looking? Thanks for any tips gang!
  5. Hi, . Having an issue wth a washer. The washer sounds fine until it would go in spin mode. Then it's sounds like a freight train. Am assuming its the tub bearing. I would just close the door and didn't sound too loud. LOL. As time went on the spin cycle appeared to have a tough time starting and i would need to remove some weight to get it going. Finally now the spin is not working. Everything else works. Today I took the machine apart and tub bearing had a lot of rust and the seal was gonked up with grease. The seal appeared to be leaking as I saw water under the machine when I took the tub out . I took the old bearing out and cleaned the outer tub . I am assuming I will need to replace the tub bearing, tub seal and transmission. Does this machine have a clutch that may have worn out and also need replacement? The motor appears to run fine. Any insight would be helpful Thank you Wayne
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