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  1. Hello all, Lennox is finally giving in on the Pulse units. Now first let me say I am a Pulse furnace fan, they are pretty neat units. That said, lennox will no longer make most of the "critical parts" for these furnaces. There is an aftermarket ignition control for these, made by BASO BGN891. There is some warantee relief for the original owners and for subsequent owners less than 15-20 years (depends on which bulletin you read, see the below info... MEMO To: Lennox Dealers Subject: Revised PulseTM Key Component Replacement Procedure Date: October 1, 2011 Effective October 1, 2011(1), Lennox will implement a revised PulseTM Key Component Replacement Procedure to replace Lennox PulseTM furnaces when key components, that are unique to the PulseTM furnace, are no longer produced by Lennox or our suppliers. This procedure applies to: Heat Exchanger Replacement Key Component(2) Not Available (Other than HE) The original furnace owner or, If not the original owner, installation date must be less than twenty years The original or subsequent owner and the installation date must be less than fifteen years PROCEDURE: During the inspection and/or service of PulseTM furnaces, if it has been determined the heat exchanger is covered by warranty(3) and a heat exchanger is found to have failed, the offer of a replacement furnace below will be made to the homeowner. If a key component (other than the heat exchanger) is found to have failed and is no longer available, the following offer of a replacement furnace will be made to the homeowner if the furnace installation is less than fifteen years. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Model Fixed Price of New Lennox Furnace to Homeowner(4) _____________________________________________________________________________________ G14/GSR14/G21/GSR21 PulseTM Replaced with EL195E $675 or future equivalent _____________________________________________________________________________________ G21V/GSR21V PulseTM Replaced with G61MPV / EL296V $875 or future equivalent _____________________________________________________________________________________ (1) This procedure applies to PulseTM furnaces with heat exchangers covered under warranty which has a key component failure and the failed part is no longer produced. (2) See attached list of key components. (3) PulseTM furnaces that are no longer within the heat exchanger warranty period are not eligible for this offer. (4) Is a fixed price to be charged to the homeowner not including taxes Upon the submission and approval of a valid Lennox PulseTM Key Component Replacement Form, the dealer will receive a credit from Lennox. This credit represents the difference between the dealer invoice amount from Lennox for the replacement furnace and the fixed price the homeowner will pay. This procedure does not require the return of the PulseTM furnace or key component. For a failed heat exchanger, simply perform the pressure test, submit the completed PulseTM Key Component Replacement Form, and where applicable, provide proof of original ownership. Examples of proof of ownership include but are not limited to bill of sale, copies of canceled checks, loan documents, title documents, tax records and utility bills. PulseTM Key Components 1. Heat Exchanger 2. Ignition Control 3. Gas Valves 4. Pressure Switch 5. Purge Blower 6. VSP Control (VSP-1) 7. Fan Timer Control (FTC) 8. WG1 Watchguard Control 9. Fan & Limit Control 10. Modulation Control 11. Spark Plug 12. Spark Plug Lead 13. Flame Sensor 14. Flame Sensor Lead 15. Orifices 16. Air Diaphragm Assembly 17. Gas Diaphragm Assembly 18. Air Diaphragm Housing 19. Drip Legad)
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