I have a 30 Gallon Richmond Water Heater, Model Number 8MV30-2, Upper and lower wattage listed at 4500/3380 each. It was typically enough water to provide two showers before it ran out. About 3 months ago (yes I have been lazy in dealing with the issue) it started only giving enough water for about one shower. I eyeballed the top and bottom element from the outside and neither has the appearance of being burned out. To "rectify" the situation, I cranked up the heat, it works, kinda. I live in an apartment building where the maintenance guy has equal or less skill with this than I do, and the landlady is quite cheap, so replacing it would be like pulling teeth with no anathestic. Can anyone give me pointers on how to test each of the elements? I plan to turn off the power next week and drain it, I figure it would be a good time to pull each of the elements to inspect and test them. Thanks in advance for any help! D