With the forum's help, I replaced the bin sensors last Summer. Over the winter, it stopped working again and had the refrigeration error blinking twice. I saw that it obviously needed a cleaning so I ran through the procedure using nickel safe ice machine cleaner. It worked for 2 months; then it shut down again with the refrigeration light blinking twice again. Here's what I observed: 1. After the cleaning, I noticed there's still deposits on the surface of the evaporators. The water flow would jump off the surface on a few spots until I rubbed that area with my finger; then the water would hug the evaporator all the way to the bottom. 2. Yesterday, I cleared the 2 blink refrigeration error and restarted the machine. The sequence of events seemed right so I came back 40 minutes later. The machine was shut down on the same code again. The evaporator was warm(it went through harvest) and there wasn't any ice anywhere. 3. I restarted the machine again and hung around this time. It went into harvest before any ice formed. As it was in harvest, I simulated ice falling by waving a screwdriver between the evaporators. This time, it went back to freeze mode but this time it made some ice, not all of the rear evaporator formed cubes. It harvested, then went back to freeze mode. That was all the time I had so I left, asking another volunteer to see if it stayed on. My questions are: Can I use a soft brush on the evaporators and do the cleaning again? Do you think there's a refrigerant leak because it doesn't freeze the last part of the evaporator? Or is there something else going on?