Been a couple years since I last needed support, but I’m back. Fisher and Paykel DD603I double drawer dishwasher that we have had for years. Recently the upper drawer has gotten progressively louder over many months and a couple weeks ago stopped functioning and threw an F2 error. Upon inspection the motor did not want to come out and when it did, it appeared that the coating around the magnet had started to come off and caused things to run against the rotor housing and generally mess things up. As a result I order the following and replaced them:
- 524185P Fisher Paykel Dishwasher Motor Rotor to Replace obsolete 525884P and 524307P
- 528042 Fisher Paykel Dishwasher Pump Base
After installing both and reassembling when I put the drawer in diagnostic mode, the motor runs, but an incredibly slower pace than the bottom drawer. Attempting to run the top drawer results in an F2 error about 10-20 seconds after starting it.
To me the parts appear to be connected properly and I swapped the motor rotor with the bottom drawer and it works as expected.
thoughts? I have a video I’ll look to attach a little later.