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  1. Washing machine just recently started reporting E:12 and won't complete a wash cycle on Cold. The laundry soap cup drawer wouldn't wash the detergent away. Setting the machine to Warm or Hot will fill the tub, but the rinse cycle will error out with E:12. The paper guide under the machine cover says the following for Er:12: Fault/Fault description Remarks, possible cause Water inlet time exceeded No water within 6min, Damaged valve, Wire harness, Blocked hose Results - check water supply - check valve - check hose Test program P:09 -> Pressure switch P:13 -> Valves There is a section on entering test mode. I followed it and was able to put it into test mode, and scroll through the errors too. The E:12 appears with C:003 which indicates this is the count of the error. Also the error d:06 appears 1 time, which indicates NTC-relay failure, but since that only occurred once the thermistor probably encountered a condition, as also there was a dr:11 error 1 time, which indicates Voltage too low, due to a possible weak power supply and check line voltage. The other important area was entering the test mode and to run the Test Program. I went ahead to test the P:09 and P:13, but I didn't know what the message returned after the test it wasn't on this single troubleshooting sheet. For P:09 the test ran and showed 63, then at the end of the test, it showed 88. For test P:13, showed 63, 88, then finally 177. In any case, it seems point to a faulty cold fill valve, since I tested the water flow at the valve inlet and it has plenty of pressure and the water flows rapidly. We don't have well water, we have city water, and a water softener since we have higher TDS mineral content in our water. I checked the inlet screen, it is clear of any debris and doesn't appear to be clogged there. Thanks for any help, I hope someone else can learn from my experience too.
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