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  1. Hello and thanks for this excellent resource! Whirlpool side by side fridge model EC3JHAXRL00. She quit cooling. No compressor, no fan. After unplugging to disassemble, then plugging in to check voltages, fan came on. Later fan did not come on. About a month ago I replaced the capacitor to the fan and she has run fine until now. Capacitor still looks good and is tight in motherboard (MOBO). I read the post below and am trying to determine if the inverter is bad or the motherboard. Here are my numbers: Compressor 9.6 ohms all three terminals = check Power input to inverter = 220 V AC ==check I get no current draw on the feed while all connected and power on. SO, I suspect the inverter. I could not reach the J15 terminals on MOBO, so checked at plug to inverter = 3.3 V DC. Post below indicates should be 4-6 V DC. Is this a case where values can vary between models or is my inverter not getting enough voltage? If so, does this explain why no current draw from inverter? Questions: which one is bad, inverter or MOBO (main control) board, or both. Any other tests? Should the fan come on regardless if the inverter is bad? Or is it being off normal because after all, compressor is not hot? Thanks for any help. Food is in coolers, so it's either fix it ASAP or time for new one!
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