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  1. We have a Maytag we bought used a couple years ago, it was manufactured in 1993, model LAT5000AAW. We really like it and were disappointed when we found it was leaking a couple weeks ago. I researched it, and determined that the tub seal was leaking, so we ordered a new tub seal from RepairClinic and I followed a video on youtube, and put it in. Now, the machine had been running just fine before I discovered that it was leaking, and when we were looking for where it was leaking, the transmission was turning just fine while the machine was running. We didn't use the machine for about two weeks while waiting for me to have time to work on it. Today I put the new tub seal in, and upon testing it, we were glad to see it was no longer leaking. However, as we ran the machine we started smelling a burning smell and it was smoky (not sure exactly what was smoking, but I'm assuming the belts or motor over working), and we turned it off, and I realized that the transmission wasn't turning. I am not sure what to do because it had been working fine. Is it possible that the leaking water caused the transmission to seize up in the interim even though it had been running just fine the last time it was run two weeks ago? Should I be able to turn the transmission by hand? We are not sure if this is possible, as we didn't try it before. I have watched several videos and read several posts here and it seems like on some models it should turn, but am unsure about my model. The pulley on the bottom turns, but I tried turning the transmission itself and it does not turn. I don't know what to check here. Is there anything I should troubleshoot before assuming it is the whole transmission that is bad? One thing, I removed the outer tub because I thought it was necessary to replace the tub seal but then realized it wasn't. I cleaned it up since I had it out, and now I'm wondering it it's possible the tub bearing could cause it not to turn? The video I watched showed them replacing that but we looked at the tub bearing and the sleeve, we decided they were okay, RepairClinic didn't mention this as being a source of leaking, and we didn't have that part so we wiped it all down making sure it was clean, and put everything back together. I would think that if that was bad that would cause a noise and not stop the transmission from turning entirely, but I don't know for sure. I did not apply any lube to the sleeve, the video I watched didn't say to do that, but another video I saw after did. I am unsure if that could cause this problem. The machine is not making any weird noises, no grinding or anything. When we tried to run it again, just to try to troubleshoot, we observed that the agitator tried to turn, but then stopped. I don't want to damage the motor or anything else by running it. Just not sure at all what to do next. I hope this all makes sense, I've worked on this so many hours today and it is so late. Thank you all in advance for any advice or anything I could check or troubleshoot to see about fixing this.
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