Our dishwasher hasn't been drying well, and it started to mildew, so I ran a bleach cycle and then started going over the nooks and crannies with a toothbrush and bleach solution. I also took the opportunity to inspect the air vent (top left when looking at closed door,) which was also mildewed. I disconnected the wax motor and pulled the actual vent out (Part No. Part number: 8545533
) and while inspecting it, I observed what appears to be a rubber flap valve that, when lying flat, would close the vent openings, but they were curled so that they rested open. Having never looked at one of these vents before, I don't know whether this flap is supposed to lie flat in a "normally closed" position, or curl up in a "normally open" position. I suspect it's supposed to lie flat, and that it is age that has curled it.
Any thoughts? Might this help account for the dishwasher not drying well?