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  1. My Neptune will start filling when Start button is pushed. "ON" light comes on and it starts filling, then the machine shuts off after about 5 seconds. I found if the timer is turned to a SPIN setting and button is held, the pump will run and drain the tub, but that is all. I followed the diagnostic steps in the repair manual. I opened the front (took off the front panel) and examined the motor control board, and yes the 10A glass fuse is blown. Checked continuity and verified it is blown. The repair manual says if the fuse is blown to replace the motor control board and wiring harness. This is different from what I read somewhere, namely to replace the motor control board AND the motor. Can anyone clarify whether the motor will also need to be replaced? The machine is about 19 years old, so not in warranty. Also, my biggest concern is what is the root cause and if I buy these expensive parts and put them in will it just blow again? What are likely reasons for this issue? The problem occurred after I moved the washer to replace the flooring and when I put it back it now has this issue. I therefore feel the moving might have caused something to come loose, but I don't see anything obvious. Any suggestions on what/where to look? Finally any suggestion where to get the parts at a reasonable price? RepairClinic seems to indicate a price about $450 just for the motor control board, at that price better to buy a new washer. Thanks in advance.
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