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  1. I unfortunately don't have the model # for this GE side by side but I'm hoping someone can shed a little light anyway. I first went to this call and found the evap frozen and the defrost heater burned out. I replaced the hearer, defrosted and left only to be called back a few days to find the evap frozen again. The heater and the termination thermostat both read closed so as an experiment I jumped around the thermostat, defrosted and left. A couple of days later it was frozen again so thru a process of elimination I decided it had to be the board...which I changed...and of course it's frozen again. This parts changing idjiit is getting tired. Does the board send the unit into defrost based on time or is there a thermister or something that tells the board when to initiate a defrost cycle? If I jump the terminals on the board (I read that here last night) am I simply supplying voltage to the defrost circuit or am I closing the defrost relay on the board? And the big question, has anyone ever seen someone change so many parts with no appearent idea of what he's dong? Thanks for the desperately needed help, Sam
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