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  1. Okay, I'm being (just a tiny bit) cheeky about annihilating my refrigerator. I'm not far off though, this thing (as many will already know) is a nightmare. It hasn't shattered my pelvis, as I understand my Samsung washer has been known to do to some people, but that would really be the icing on the cake. All I really need to know is this (TL;DR in bold type): When defrosting my ice maker (I'm just waiting on the silicone) for the 5,042nd time this year, apparently a small piece broke off of the cowling for the auger motor. It was a small white plastic piece that protrudes into the ice tray. Research leads me to believe this is the ice maker temperature sensor (which, I believe would be part 23-3 on the parts list). My question is: Can I just replace the sensor, and the cowling on the motor, or will I really have to buy the entire ($180) assembly? The motor works fine, the ice maker is making ice, but not ejecting it. It is not jammed, or anything like that. I'd even consider gluing the piece back on, but I don't know where it went. I found it in a drink after unjamming it from the ice crusher and didn't know where it came from at the time.
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