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  1. ISSUE 1 - BURNING RUBBER SMELL About a month ago our Maytag Washer LAT8740AAL, about 20 years old, began emitting a burning rubber smell during a wash cycle. Within a minute or so of smelling the burning rubber I pushed the timer dial in to shut the washer off. I researched the issue and determined the two belts at the bottom of the washer needed to be replaced. The old belts were stiff and had some small cracks in them, I’m pretty sure they were the original 20 year-old belts. I ordered and installed two new belts. To tighten the transmission belt, I used the “pull the motor” method shown in this video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUjCTPbN8IM. This fixed this problem. ISSUE 2 - NO AGITATION DURING WASH OR RINSE CYCLES, SPIN CYCLES WORKS FINE TO DRAIN WATER FROM THE TUB After installing new belts, the washer worked fine for a week or so but then sometimes during a wash cycle, it would fill up the tub with water but then the washer would not begin to agitate. I checked the new belts, they appeared to be installed correctly and working properly but I thought that maybe the transmission belt tension was maybe too tight or too loose so this time I used the “pinch” method in this video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYSjOLkCr5w but the no agitation problem persisted. I could sometimes get the washer to agitate by doing one or more of the following “fixes”: a. Pushing the timer dial in and out several times to turn the washer on or off, b. Turning the timer dial all the way around, c. Moving the water level lever up and down to reset the water level, and d. Opening and closing the washer lid several times. These temporary fixes seemed to solve this no agitation problem enough that I didn't try to diagnose or fix anything else. ISSUE 3 - SAME AS ISSUE 2 BUT NOW MY TEMPORARY FIXES NO LONGER WORK AND THE WASHER WILL NOT AGITATE AT ALL IN WASH OR RINSE CYCLES My issue 2 temporary fixes lasted for maybe a week, and now no amount of fiddling will get the washer to agitate after the tub fills with water. However, if I turn the timer dial to the spin cycle and start the washer, the agitator will spin and the washer will drain the water from the tub. I did some more research and determined the problem might be due to one or more of the lid switch parts. I bought and installed a new Lid Switch Assembly, part number WP22001682, but that did not fix the problem of no agitation in the wash and rinse cycles. I then bought a Lid Switch part number W10820036 and after it arrived I realized I had ordered the wrong part. I thought I was ordering the Lid Plunger and Bracket Kit part number 204968. I went to two local appliance parts stores, neither one had the Lid Plunger and Bracket Kit part number 204968 in stock but one of them did have the Lid Switch Actuator Spring part number WP213720 for it for $12.00. YIKES!!! I thought the old spring might be worn out so I bought the spring and installed it after cleaning the old, yellowed, gunked up grease off the plunger but this did not fix the no agitation problem either. OTHER THINGS I DID I removed the agitator and checked the splines, they seem just a little bit worn down but otherwise good and no cracks. The agitator will spin in the spin cycle so I’m guessing it wouldn’t if the splines were worn down too much. I also cleaned out quite a bit of accumulated gunk at the bottom of the tub around the drive shaft underneath the agitator. I just checked the Transmission Drive Pulley part number WP6-2301530. I can turn the pulley CLOCKWISE fairly easily but turning the pulley COUNTER CLOCKWISE is difficult. SOLUTIONS? I think I read somewhere that the pulley issue means the washer needs a new transmission but given the $350 or so prices I’ve seen for a complete transmission, and possibly other new parts needed, I may just have to get a new washer instead. Also, I may not be handy enough to change out a transmission. I’d really like to keep this old Maytag washer running if the parts are inexpensive enough and the repairs are easy enough for me to do. I would appreciate any thoughts on what is causing the agitator to not agitate during the wash and rinse cycles. Thanks!
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