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Manufacturer: Amana
Type of Appliance: Refrigerator
Model Number: BX21V1W
Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): Yes
Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): Yes

Wondering if there is a service manual BX21V1W I see a tech sheet, but I want to go into the service mode / diagnostic and the tech sheet does not explain this. First time on this type of refrigerator. Thank you if you have this manual and can share.

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  • dfphoto


  • Captain Dunsel


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That model seems to be all mechanical to me:


Capt. you are right, so in more mechanical appliances, I will only see a tech sheet? I was looking and flow charting the L1 around this refrigerator and I'm trying to come up with a good test procedure  and last time I got skunked by not understanding the diagnostic screens.... Anyway, I will use the tech sheet for this..

Thank youu.

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