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Manufacturer: LG
Type of Appliance: Topload
Model Number: Wt7400cw
Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): Yes
Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): Yes

Doing preliminary parts and repair diagnostics. This unit does not seem to exist with any supplier not even lgparts.com. The only place I could find a parts diagram was Sears. Not a lot of confidence this is correct. Any parts diagrams and/or tech info on this unit would be appreciated. Encompass or Lgparts.com has always been my "go to" for parts lookups on lg, but this model is non-existent. Hate going half cocked to a call. Tech info would also be great. I know the service mode key dance can be different on a similar models.

  • Team Samurai

Brother @Vance R, do you have any info for this one?


Was able find the service manual. The parts list at LG is interactive and not setup to download. Was able to capture the picture portion and is included with the manual. Let know the locator number for the parts needed.

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  • Team Samurai

Thanks, Vance!


Thank you! K064 is the part locator. This machine is just over a year old. The hub has like a black powder all over it(weird). It’s getting all over their clothes. It’s like the hub is deteriorating? Do you know of any service bulletins on this? It’s not grease




LG is making this one tough. For the 00 version there are 2 different part numbers and a service bulletin that is non-existent.


 For a 01 version it is just the part number MEL62741701.

  • Like 1

Thanks for checking. I believe this is the 00 version. 

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