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Manufacturer: Criterion
Type of Appliance: Gas range
Model Number: CGR51P1B
Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): Yes
Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): Yes

Can someone help me locate the service manual and parts breakdown for a Criterion gas range model CGR51P1B? 


Thank you!

  • Team Samurai

Not finding anything for this one.


Thank you for checking! I emailed Criterion @ criterion@customer-appliance.com and they emailed me the service manual. I can't attach it here since it is a pdf file. Finding parts is another battle. I emailed them for pricing and availability since I can't find a supplier. 

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  • Team Samurai
23 minutes ago, aclark89 said:

Thank you for checking! I emailed Criterion @ criterion@customer-appliance.com and they emailed me the service manual. I can't attach it here since it is a pdf file. Finding parts is another battle. I emailed them for pricing and availability since I can't find a supplier. 


If you'd like to contribute the manual to the site for other techs, you can upload it to our Files section. Just go there and click the Submit a file button. The site will walk you through the process from there.


I just uploaded the service manual to the FILES section. Hopefully this helps someone.

  • Team Samurai

Awesome, thanks @aclark89!


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