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Goodman Gas Furnace, 93% Single-Stage, , Model GCS90904CXA


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Here goes i have a Goodman Gas Furnace installed new last year is there a way to increase the Heat that comes out of the vents for the first maybe 30 seconds cold air comes out then it still is not very hot . My house is a single story around 1200 sq. foot is the blower suppose to have a different speed for heat and cool this one runs the same speed ? Any help on this is appreciated.

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Not much you can do about the first 30 seconds of air coming out. The warm air has to push the cold out of the ductwork before it can get there. Just like the water in your faucet when you turn on the hot.

"increase the heat" and increase the supply temperature are two different deals here. The only thing you can do is the latter so lets work with that. Yes you can decrease the blower speed for heating. Open up the top panel on the furnace and inside you will see a mess of wiring. Take a look at the picture of the day to see what it is you are after (on your furnace this control is upside down). By changing the wire on the Heat-H terminal you will change the speed. Only change by one speed at a time and then check the temperature rise while the burner is on for 5 minutes - (Supply air(hot-at register near furnace) - return air(cool-at filter intake) = temp rise)

Blower speeds are as follows:

Red - Low

Orange - Med Low

Blue - Med High

Black - High

Temperature rise rating is 35-65F

90,000 btuh seems a bit on the large side for your sq ft unless you live north of Minnesota. 70,000 would have been a better match. But ya got what ya got.

control board.bmp


Ok it allready had the Blue Wire(Med.)  on so i switched it to the Orange (Med. Low)

also i found my manual on the furnace and in it there is a Jumper Wire says it is for Circulator Blower Speed Jumper/ if Heating and Cooling speeds are the same the black jumper wire must be used between the Heat and Cool terminals and thoughts on this? Can`t really tell if the speed changed or not don`t have a meter to measure cfm .



[user=16972]92Bowtie[/user] wrote:

Ok it allready had the Blue Wire(Med.)  on so i switched it to the Orange (Med. Low)

also i found my manual on the furnace and in it there is a Jumper Wire says it is for Circulator Blower Speed Jumper/ if Heating and Cooling speeds are the same the black jumper wire must be used between the Heat and Cool terminals and thoughts on this? Can`t really tell if the speed changed or not don`t have a meter to measure cfm .


By the way the Black Wire( High)  is on the Cool terminal .


The jumper is probably long gone if it was ever there. If it was used it would be between the Heat-H and Cool-H terminals and then only one blower speed wire would be attatched. The remaining 3 would be on park terminals.

Use the temperature rise as described to check for a change. Your hand is not properly calibrated to perform this task.

By the way CFM = (BTU input X efficiency) / 1.10(Temp rise)

decrease CFM = increase temp rise given the other variables are fixed


  • 4 weeks later...


Your furnace shold come on and run for awhile before your fan kicks on.If not check your fan delay setting,some have an adjustable on and off setting. Most are set to come on around 120 and turn off at 90,that way you have a 30 deg differential.Don't mess with the limit setting as most are factory set for 200.this will shut off your gas valve if the tewmperature gets too hot in your heat exchanger,It's a safety limit switch.Hope this helps.


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