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Is there a service manual available for this one please?

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I worked on the 29 cu. ft. model of this last week, diagnostics is a BEAR, for what it is worth though, there is a diagnostic chart (failure codes etc) pasted to the back of the unit with the diagram - you'll need your reading glasses and/or magnifying glass for this though as it is printed very small


Thank you again, you're a Gentleman....and a Scholar.


kdog, What was the complaint on the refer that you worked on......I have a RF267abwp sitting in my kitchen that works when it wants to. ( long story on how I got this unit. see old story on a previous post) .I have used the diagnostic test for the RM and the RS series and it indicates that nothing is wrong but there is not defrost cycle....all thermisters / sensors  read good, measured at the board and at the first connections in the evaporator panels..........There is no service manual for this unit out there ( or no one is willing to send a copy ).... there is a copy attached at the rear of this unit, but it is blurry and even with a good magnifying lens and a light, you can get a headache.........  P.S. did you find the missing link for manuals????


Yes, The Master himself has provided us with a very valuable link - see "Inner Sanctum" for your offering.

The fridge which I serviced last week had simply an 88:88 showing on the display, and I went in armed with an armful of electonic components as I was the third person to visit the particular subject. The first tech attempted to get the unit operating, but with no response by the touchpad, ordered one up figuring it has failed. The second shows up and installs it with the replacement which gives the same result so orders 'em all.

Upon further inspection, it is discovered that the display has one flashing segment and with these units, different flashing segments in the 88:88 display represent different failures - the chart on the back steers you to the direction of the failure- In this case, the code pointed towards the "machine compartment fan" and the upper d.c. fan motor found to have an open circuit. A word of caution here though, after doing some research with various models I have discovered that there is no continuity to the codes in which the segments represent, and they seem to be specific to the model so one can't rely much on memory.


"Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left"

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