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Hi Guys, First off, I love the theme of your whole site, and have been laughing my way through it.

I have an Maytag Atlantis Model MAVT834AWW, we bought in 2000. It has suddenly started making this horrible grinding/pounding noise when the agitator is engaged. The agitator is moving, when the machine is empty, and still feels strong, although it wasn't moving well when I first discovered the problem, it had a big load of jeans in at the time. The rinse cycle is working, and the basin does spin for the rinse cycle.

I have been browsing many forums seeking knowledge, and need a brew after doing so to heal my brain. I am seeing suggestions ranging from a blown transmission, to a brake not releasing. Any thoughts on this? Thanks in advance for your help!


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  • appl.tech.29501


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Sounding like from your description that your transmission is gone....if its the brakes then it will normally make a rhythemic kinda low screech about every sec. Grinding and pounding usually tranny


Is this one of those deals where I'm better off buying a new machine than try to fix it? It's been getting pretty tired anyway, sometimes not rinsing well, etc. I think the springs that center the basin are pretty tired. And I've pulled about twenty bobby pins out of the drain pump thanks to my sixteen year old!


If its over 5 years old then I would recommend getting another machine...if less than 5 there may be warranty on the tranny only and you pay the labor and service call.

And yourt right, those pumps love bobby pins !!!


I was just looking at it again, and noticed black oil spray underneath on the frame.....doesn't look good!


Sorry didn't see the 2000


Does the black oil spray further indicate the transmission is trashed?


Indeed, thats the only component that has oil in it


Thanks so much for all of your help! I love your site, and am going to recommend you to all of my friends. Have a great holiday!



How do I find the capacity on this thing? I'm looking at new ones, and want to know how big this one is in comparison. It's not in the users guide. I don't see it on the machine. And I can't find the specs on line. Any ideas?


should be around 4.0-4.5 cu.ft.


[user=27301]appl.tech.29501[/user] wrote:

:beating: i was off on that 1

ahh, yes, the Agitator ...

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