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Requesting a service manual for this, sorry excuse of a washer! model# WWSE5240G0WW Thanks 

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  • tech1911


  • RegUS_PatOff


  • appl.tech.29501



31-9040 service manual may be similar

link PM'd


The model I am working on has a inverter board on the motor. I dont think that manual will be accurate to help diagnose this washer. If you have a manual that has the inverter board on the motor, I would appreciate it. Thanks for your help


I do still need the manual if you can find it. I have the inverter board status light codes, but I do not believe the motor is bad (2 blinks), and the belt is not slipping.


I think I have your cure but notes are at my house, I will post back when I get home


maybe this one 31-9145

link PM'd

[align=left]Profile Washers With Electronic Control and Mode Shifter Assembly[/align]




2 flashes means that the tub hub nut is loose. Tighten nut and to clear fault disconnect power to washer for 15 seconds, reconnect power and open and shut the lid 5 times within 30 seconds


Thanks. I had already replaced the hub nut, old one threads were stripped and tub loose. Then it would fill and drain only. I did not clear the code, will do tomorow. Will this POS machine not agitate or spin if the problem was fixed, but code was not cleared?


[user=60379]tech1911[/user] wrote:

... Will this POS machine not agitate or spin if the problem was fixed, but code was not cleared?


#4 The Motor continues to operate with this error.

#6 When a locked Rotor is detected, the Washer will sit idle for 15 seconds and retry.

If the Motor does not operate after 3 tries, the LED blinks 6 times.

#8 The Motor continues to operate at reduced performance levels.

#9 Maximum Spin speed is limited to 50 RPM.

Critical Errors, #1, #2, & #7, will prevent Inverter/Motor from operating.

To clear errors, disconnect power until a clicking sound is heard (approximately 15 seconds).

Open and close the Lid 5 or more times in any 12 second period within the first 30 seconds of power-up.

Errors will not clear if Washer is in either Agitate or Spin mode.


Thanks for your help

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