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Trane XE80 blowing cold air


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My Trane XE80, Model # TDD080C936CO, Serial # K21538071, gets the call for heat from the thermostat, a fan starts (inducer?), a few clicks, the igniter glows for a few seconds, the bigger fan fires up, a few more clicks, the the igniter goes out. Installed a new controller board a few years ago (Whiterodgers control part # 50A55-843) NO BLINKING CODES. No gas smell. So i assume that one of the control sysems is not allowing the board to send the gas signal to the gas valve (but shouldn't that throw a blinking code?) or the actual gas valve itself is getting a signal to flow but the valve itself if failing. How to I troubleshoot? Is there a guide for expected behavior of each component? It the weekend, we're freezing, and a repair guys can't come out until Monday!!



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