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Is anybody able to provide the exploded view / service manual for a Frigidaire M#: FAZ12HR2A

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I can't find a service manual for that model

maybe something similar if needed ..



What kinda problems are ya having? I work on these junkers all the time.


Thanks a bunch. I noticed that there is no parts manual for the FAZ12HR2A. But the 2A2 does have one. I refernced the 2A2 for the location numbers. I'm sure they are the same. Just don't know if the part numbers are the same. I doubt it. All I really need to order the parts are the location numbers anyway. In answer appl.tech.29501: One is dead w/ the gfi lit and the other intermittantly responds to keypad imput. I'm ordering the m.pcb & d.pcb, etc. It's an extended warr. unit. But the provider can't supply the exploded view. Stupid huh. Like how do they identify parts? From an exploded view. So they could just email or fax it. But whatever. Anyway thanks.


Frigidaire's exploded views for A/C's suck...always have. All theie A/C's have the same  picture as seen below except for there brand new units and they aren't much better. I can understand the supplier not being able to give much info. if they are just a retailer...Try and call Frigidaire Tech line on their A/C's...the last 2 times I called I had to tell them how to properly diagnosis the units. I've been trying for years to get them to send me a schematic for the display board in and out voltages and they say they can't produce one. You have the right idea though, change both boards. The main power board and the GFCI power cords are the 2 most popular parts for these units.



also look at the ENG. code under the model # it usually goes on the end of the model # so its very possible that the parts manual for the 2A2 could be the one you need.

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