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Whirlpool Electric Range Model # RF38FPXEW, Ser. # R61718237

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Fellow Samurais:

I am prepping this stove to sell; it has been in my garage for about 2 years. I will clean it, check it out and find it a good home. I bought a Maytag Gemini range in 2008. The Whirlpool, last time I checked, worked well.

I checked the bottom of the oven door and there is rust, peeling paint and some (small area - ~ 1 square inch) missing metal along the bottom of the door. Perhaps I can clean, patch (high-temp epoxy) and touch up the affected areas. Door parts, I would bet, are not cheap.

I have the owner's manual, tech sheet and installation guide. Is there a manual that goes into more detail on how to disassemble/reassemble the unit?

As always, I am grateful for this great site and any assistance.

Your Appreciative Grasshopper,


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  • RegUS_PatOff


  • 7Katz


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RF385PXEW0  ? ?


:bozo: I'm blind in one eye and can't see out of the other... :snooze::bathead:

My apologies.

I did it AGAIN.

It is, indeed, FIVE, not "F." :tard:


[user=40417]7Katz[/user] wrote:

:bozo: I'm blind in one eye and can't see out of the other...

see  :ooo:  RegUS_PatOff

RF385PXEW0 Parts Manual

4321891 service manual link PM'd


Great skit! I've always like Bugs Bunny. :D

Thanks for the manual.





links PM'd

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