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Service Rates

AmTec Services

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I'd like to check out the service rates from our students and teachers.

1. What is your Service Call / Diagnostic fee? ( And what do you call it?)

2. What is your hourly rate and do you charge in 15 min increments or 1/2 hr ?

3. Are you a flat rate company?

4.Your location

5. Do you stock parts, or run to get as you need / schedule later?

6. Do you do other work besides appliances?

  Heres mine!!:shock:

1  My service call = $59

2  $80 per hr billed in 15 min segments

3 Want to be flat rate / need to develope program

4 Tampa Fl

5 Stock some , want to be able to finish most on first call

6 Air conditioning service and installation / resi and comerical ( flat rate for a/c service)

Thanks to you all!



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[user=66622]AmTec Services[/user] wrote:

1  My service call = $59 ..

seems low, but then that doesn't include any hourly time ?

May actually be called "trip charge"

"service call" may (usually ?) include some diagnostic time / quick estimate before (much of) any work is done ..

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I agree about the $59 being low. Have thought about raising to $69, but get alot of push back on scheduling calls. Seems alot of peeps around here offer ultra low service calls to get in the door and then slam the customer.

I have a true diagnostic rate for air conditioning; $89 to inspect entire system and quote repairs from my flat rate book.

Another question would be : do you work for a company or self imployed?

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Canadian so dont charge this in the USA

 day job service call=40$

labour 60/hr charge from the time the door bell rings till the bill is written

my buisness  s/c 50$ includes estimate, labour 60/hr (this is mid to high rate by comparison, but i do evenings/weekends)

only sears is higher at 80 bucks for s/c, most others are 40ish here, some are still at 30

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I'm still in training.

When I go full time, I am considering $65 sevice/diagnostic fee, then a quote from the flat rate book for further service. If autherized to complete the job I would wave the service fee.

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$ 65.00 for service call / diagnostic......If , say just broke wire/ easy fix / turn on the water.......... no extra charge................. If there is a repair, $30 goes towards the repair/labor.................. so, basic $95.00 plus parts  and had better take no longer than one hour..................90% is appliance repair, I get the model number and with what the customer tells you, you try to have that lid switch/coupler/element/fuse on the service van.................I do installs also, If I do a wall oven  ( about $ 95 ) and it too small for the  opening I.E. space on the side, I will take the dimensions and go back to my wood shop and cut the wood/trim  to size and  return finish the install, charge them around $95.00  for cabinet work.............

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After I gained as few as 7 to 10 years of experience---I could *not* avoid the realization that charging labor per 1/4 hour was insane.

Repetition & experience makes for rapid efficiency.

I had to make a choice--either SLOW DOWN or adopt a flat rate method of pricing repairs.

If I SLOW DOWN---that may help earnings to remain consistent for say---replacing a transmission on a direct-drive washer---over & over & over again.

At the end of day---earnings are actually *lower* because SLOWING DOWN was necessary to maintain a decent profit at each service call. This "locks in" the number of service calls that can be performed on a given day---no room to add two or three more calls. Being more efficient becomes a liability.

My capability had reached a point where I am able to install three transmissions in a DD washer in the same space of time today than it took me 20 years ago to install a single transmission.

With flat rate (blue book)---efficiency is rewarded. Time becomes available to add more service calls that would not be otherwise possible with the "hourly" rate.

Most customers are very,very willing to pay upper end prices for repairs if:

1) The part(s) that are needed are in stock (truck stock). Meaning that the repair can be done NOW.

2) NEVER talk condescendingly to *any* customer. Sell yourself. Explain everything to the customer the exact same way that you would if given an assignment to explain or demonstrate your knowledge to the President of the United States or the Canadian Prime Minister (respectfully & attentively). Be professional---top to bottom. You're special and *most* consumers do not mind paying top dollar for exceptional service *but* you must stand-out from the competition. That sometimes may mean---going back IMMEDIATELY to correct a problem that was overlooked. No charge. Give something to the customer for their inconvenince if this occurs---make things right. This has to be a passion in your business---No Half-a$$ Effort. No Joe Six Pack Attitude. No Crude Jokes or 6th Grade Drop-Out Anti-Establishment Behavior. A Real Pro--Talk like one. Act Like One. Work Like One. Trust me---you'll stand out & most customers will continue to use your service---even if you "cost" more than most of the other "rough-around-the-edges competitors.

3) KNOW YOUR PRODUCT. Come prepared. Study-study-study. Go to every training seminar if you have a manufacturer warranty service agreement. When you know as much as you think you'll ever need to know about a specific brand & it's products---study even more. Soon you'll understand it SO WELL---that it becomes almost immediately obvious to anyone that you meet . The answers to their questions will just *roll off* your tongue with  overwhelming / calm confidence. And that sells like crazy.


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where can i get my hands on one of these blue books for the flat rate fees?


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There are a few different ones.....the " Original Blue Book " by USA ( United Services Association, Inc. )   call  1.800.683.2558.........OR  " Flat Rate Pricing " by PSA  ( Professional Service Association )  call 1.888.777.8851. There are web sites, just google them............

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Good info guys. I'm flat rate in a/c for exactly the reasons John63 said. My customers get the best, and I can make a profit. Win win.

 I have a flat rate guide from Marcone, but its pretty vauge. I think I'll look at the blue book.


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I now use the "original blue book" after discovering my rates were way too low. I bought mine on sale for $89. Regular price $129.

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