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Request service manual for KitchenAid Refridgerator (KSRS25QWWH13)

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Posted (edited)

Request service manual for KitchenAid Refrigerator (KSRS25QWWH13)

I'm considering replacing the seals on the doors and just want to make sure I'm doing it right! :D

Edited by Ladd
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An oldie but moldie-- this one goes back to '93. Pretty simple machines, all mechanical controls. I don't even know that they were doing service manuals on these back then. Don't need it in any event. The most you might really is the wiring diagram that came with the unit. Do you have this? What's the problem with the unit?

Posted (edited)

I had the compressor and associated parts replaced about four months ago. Since that installation, three or four times I've found the freezer above 30 degrees. The first two times I figured maybe I had left the door slightly open or something in the freezer was holding the door slightly open. The last two times have been in the last week and the problem definitely isn't the door being open, slightly or otherwise. In a few hours or half a day, things start working properly again and temps drop back to zero. And might then work properly for a month or two. Except for the last week.

I've checked and cleaned the seals and they appear to be in good shape. I'm now wondering if there might be something intermittently stuck in the defrost system or controls.

Edited by Ladd
...now wondering if there might be something intermittently stuck in the defrost system or controls.

Wiring Sheet - 1125643.pdf



The service guy just left; I finally called them after the freezer temps would vary from 5 degrees to 35 degrees and then back again.

He checked the freon pressure and said that the differences between what it was when the fridge was running and what the pressure did after he unplugged it gave indications that there is some sort of partial blockage in the coolant lines. When he comes back in a day or two he's going to blow the lines out with nitrogen and see if that removes the blockage.

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