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    • 15 March 2025 02:00 PM Until 03:00 PM
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I would like the service manual for this washer also if someone real quick can explain how to remove the bolt that holds the agitator down the "dogs wont hunt anymore" and is agitatates ever fourth mpovement I know i need to replace the dogs but I cant tell if that bolt is to be pryed out or is threaded it lokos like it does not have theads and it has to be pryed out some how. Help!!!!

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pry's out and then you either have a 7/16" bolt in it or a 1/2" square drive


It's the bolt under the agitator cap thats the one it looks like a normal bolt bit the diagram shows it to have a bulge or knob on it there does not appear to have threads on it


click on picture (and replacement video)


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