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    • 15 March 2025 02:00 PM Until 03:00 PM
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      When: Saturday, March 15 @10:00 AM Eastern Time.
      Where: Online via Zoom
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I have a kenmore elec dryer after we replaced the breaker for the circuit now worksit has 240 to the dryer but it wont heat. I checked the element, the operating and high limit stat, the thermal fuse, i checked the thermistor it does not show continuity but it does show 10 ohms is it still good? if it is what do you recommend that i check next. I think temp selector or the timer some how is not turning on the heat. Help! You guys rock. You have been awesome for everything else I needed in the past.

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how's the Heater Relay ?

You could try swapping it with the Motor Relay (remember where the wires go)

Will the Motor then still start ?

OR you could

Set the Dryer to run a Regular Heat Cycle

Open the Door so that the Drum and Motor don't run

(You could also remove the Drum)

Test for 120v AC from each of the following to chassis (ground):

Heater Relay Red wire

Thermal Cut-Off Red wire

Thermal Cut-Off Black wire

High-Limit Black wire

High-Limit Red/White wire

Heating Element Red/White wire

Heating Element Red wire


You guys rock I tried swapping the heater relay and the motor relay and the bloddy heater works now and if you hold down the push to start button the motor runs and before the push to start button worked and the heater did not. you guys rock did I just say that i must be repeating myself buy you do!


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thats the part again your guys rock I had no idea it was that easy to fix with you guys on my side i feel like i can fix the world. The next beer is on me.

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