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    • 08 June 2024 02:00 PM Until 03:00 PM
      We've got a treat for you this time: special guest presenter Aaron Wilson is returning for another round of business talk! This time, we'll be talking about...
      The Art of the Win: Communicating with and Serving the Customer while Making a Profit
      This time, it's gonna be all about the customer. How do you identify what kind of customer you're dealing with? How does the type of customer inform how you're going to communicate with them about things like the price of the repair, or complications, or their options for moving forward? What do you do when conflict arises, and how do you redirect that conflict into a solution that is good for both you and the customer?
      All these questions will be addressed as Aaron takes us through the DISC model for identifying and understanding different kinds of customers and their varying behaviors, inclinations, and responses. That understanding is key to navigating tricky situations and finding a path to complete satisfaction for the customer, and profit for you.
      We'll be going through a few graphics about the DISC model, so feel free to download them beforehand, take a look, and have some questions ready.
      A little about our guest, Aaron Wilson:
      Aaron has been in the appliance repair trade for almost 14 years, starting out by doing installations before moving on to bigger and better things. He worked for C&W Services as a Sub-Zero authorized servicer for a time and thereafter joined Mr. Appliance of Highland Park in the Dallas area, where he is currently the lead technician and field service manager. In addition, he has taught many classes on refrigeration repair and advanced diagnostics, during which time he also developed training material for the soft skills side of things, which he is delighted to share with you. He's also a certified graduate of the Master Samurai Tech Academy, so he knows his stuff!
      Also, follow this Calendar Event so you'll get notified of new posts here. Look for the "Follow" button either at the top of the topic on desktop or below the topic on mobile.
      Who: This workshop is only available to tech members at Appliantology.
      When: Saturday, June 8 @10:00 AM Eastern Time.
      Where: Online via Zoom
      Click here to go to the forum topic with the registration link. If you're interested, register now. Arrive a couple minutes early to make sure your connection is working. Set a reminder for yourself for this workshop so you don’t miss it.  And check out past workshops here: https://appliantology.org/announcement/33-webinar-recordings-index-page/

Something has changed and really made this site jam my computer up

Budget Appliance Repair

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Samurai, something has been changed on your site here in the last two or three weeks that is really screwing up my use of the site.

I have only have 768MB of main memory. I'm on a slower (1.5MB) broadband service and when I surf the website I open up each section of the forum that has new post each in a new window then I go to each of those windows and open up all the new topics each in there own tab on that window. I've always done it this way and never had a problem with having 7 or 8 windows open with each having from 1 to 6 tabs open at the same time.

Now doing this with only 2 or 3 windows and opening 6 or 7 tabs it totally pegs my processor out at 100% even after all the pages are done loading makes it almost impossible to get control of the system back since Firefox is taking almost all the processing time. I've watched the memory usage and processor percentage and it definitely Firefox and appliantology website.

I think it might have something to do with Google/Doubleclick ads since when I'm loading a bunch of topics in new tabs and the processing starts locking up and the download indicators all stop they seem to be all at a google.doubleclick ad thing being loaded in the status bar at the bottom of the browser. Just noticed the AAA/Hertz ads are flash ads and been seeing them a lot since this problem has been going on, each one maybe having to load another flash player or something because it's done downloading and the amount of memory that Firefox is consuming over 500MB and starts releasing as I start closing out tabs.

It's that or maybe something to do with that Samurai help script that runs, maybe it's still in the background somewhere even after I "X" to close it out.

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  • Team Samurai

Good to know, Willie. I doubt it's the chat box, that's just an asynchronous java script and it really does stop running when you x it out.

Flash, OTOH, is buggy technology and it's been messing with my browser in other ways. I'll change the ads to text-only. I'll do that today. Let me know if that helps next time you log in.

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Much better, still very high processor usage, but able to keep control of things and not hanging up anymore.

Not sucking the memory away like it was at all, had to be those flash ads.

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Looks like I spoke to soon. Memory problem taken care of but still sucking the life out of the processor.

Down to only two tabs left open on one window, everything is loaded. Can watch the processor usage of Firefox and it jumps from 7% to 13% usage then surges to 30%-60% usage, (on any time period of watching it's up in the 30-60 range at least 50% of the time). That is with everything just setting and not even touching the mouse.

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  • Team Samurai

Firefreax may actually be part of the problem. Lots of bloat and bugs in the latest upgrades. I just can't think of anything else at the site that could affect it that way.

Just for grins and to help troubleshoot, install Google Chrime and try loading up with it. Lemme know if there's any difference.

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Firefreax may actually be part of the problem. Lots of bloat and bugs in the latest upgrades.

Probably have to agree with you on that, the problems do seem to have appeared sometime after the last one or two FireFox updowngrades.

Hate changing to a new browser, have got used to the Firefox style but have been becoming more and more disillusioned with it lately, they may just have forced me to change browsers.

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I had the same problem for a couple days until I downloaded my pending updates that I kept ignoring witch included Internet Explorer 9. Problem solved.

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  • Team Samurai

I had the same problem for a couple days until I downloaded my pending updates that I kept ignoring witch included Internet Explorer 9. Problem solved.

Good to know, Santa!

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I should add that it was only this site that was hanging up. I don't know what that means though.

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I still think there is something going in in the background of this sites webpages, since this is also the only site I really have problems with.

Samurai, any possibility that the "Get Clicky" at the bottom is a new web page watcher that you just changed to or added recently?

Santa, Do you use FireFox to normally surf the web and this site? But you updated you IE to the latest 9.? version and that took care of the problem with FireFox? I'm still using IE6 because I do some data entry work and every time I upgraded to anything above the IE6 that I was using to do the data entry work I would loose all my prefilled forms history for some reason, it all came back when I reverted back to the previous IE6 version.

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I'm using FireFox 4.0.1 and usually use the "View New Content" at the top right corner of any page. (unless I haven't been ON in awhile)

It shows me a chronological list of all the new posts (of all the forums)

I then only open (1) post at a time.

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Try opening 9 or 10 post at the same time and see where your processor usage percentage goes.

I'm also on the newest FireFox 4.0.1

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Pentium dual core 2.2GHz

3 GB ram

opened 10 posts "open link in New Tab"

CPU 55% for about 12 seconds, then dropped down to 5%

tried again...

now 93% for a few seconds

then 65% for a few minutes

then dropped for a few seconds..

then back to 70%

but Windows Task manager says 70% , but not much on the list






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  • Team Samurai

Try opening 9 or 10 post at the same time and see where your processor usage percentage goes.

Wanted to explore this a little bit. If you bookmark this page:


You can go directly to it as often as you like and it shows you all the topics with new posts from the past 24 hours. It's like the "Recent" button at the at the old forum. If you use that, you shouldn't need to have more than one or two browser windows or tabs of forum open at at a time.

Just a thought.

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Budget Appliance Repair: I only use Internet Explorer 9. I've read about people not liking IE but I don't have any problems with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heads Up, the site is wacky, slow again. I'm going to ApplianceJunk for awhile, hehehe :ohmy:

Spoke too soon. It seems ok now. Sorry, losing patience in this instant on demand world.

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  • Team Samurai

kopkrab.gif Loading fine for me.

Anyone else having page load problems?

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Yes, sometimes incredibly slow - using Internet Explorer (as always) and this didn't start happening until recently

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  • Team Samurai

Thanks, kdog. How's it running right now?

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  • Team Samurai

Deleted the Olark chart box as a test. Lemme know if there's any difference, either way.

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  • Team Samurai

Wow, good to know! So, at first cut, it appears that the Olark chat box was messing with things. I'll keep it off for a while, lemme know if things change again.

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Yep, there's no doubt that cured the issue for me - back to running the way it used to

aka - much less frustrating

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  • Team Samurai

Good to know! We need to get word to Willie and let him know. thumbsup.gif

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OHHHHHH how sweet, it is back to normal!!!!!!!!

What was the Olark chat box? Was it that orange chat thing down at the bottom right hand corner that I was also complaining about?

I knew it was something to do with this site because it was totally fine then all of the sudden became almost useless and was only having this problem with this site.

Anyway, I'm just glad you found what was causing the problem and fixed it because I was becoming so frustrated with the site I was about to give up on it.

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