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    • 15 March 2025 02:00 PM Until 03:00 PM
      All are invited to join in the conversation for all things Appliantological: bidness, customers, tools, troubleshooting, flavorite brewski, whatever. Webcams and microphones are open and live!
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      Who: This workshop is available to everybody, including you! You don't have to be a member of Appliantology to join the fun.
      When: Saturday, March 15 @10:00 AM Eastern Time.
      Where: Online via Zoom
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wanted to know if you have a service manual for this model (GE #JBP82SH2SS). A schematic of this model would help greatly as well...customer was having issues with the door lock while during a self clean, he went ahead and attempted to change the door lock but told me that he's not for sure if he installed the lock correctly (basically looks like he forgot how to hook it back up). I've looked at the unit and noticed that one harness was not attached to the lock, in which now I'm not for sure if any of connections he hooked up are correct, so this is the reason for request...In most cases I would have refused the work, only reason why I accepted is he's, get this, an owner of a commercial appliance repair company in which I applied for a position at. So he brings this oven issue up during our interview since he saw that I repair on home appliances???? Go figure, you would think out of all people he would be able to replace a door lock on a electric range without getting wires crossed

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P/M'd link to Mini Manual 31-14167

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