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    • 15 March 2025 02:00 PM Until 03:00 PM
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Samsung clothes washer M#WF218ANWXAA01 manual, please

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To Sensei Reg,

Send the Samsung clothes washer M#WF218ANWXAA01 manual, please.

Domos in advance,

The Red Grasshoppah

  • Team Samurai

PMed you the manual for the 209-- should be close enough. :thumbsup:

  • Like 1

I have that one but I can't 'member how to get it to you :teehee:

  • Team Samurai

I have that one but I can't 'member how to get it to you :teehee:

Hey V8, that'd be great! Just mouse over Red's username in the blue-gray bar just above his post. A window will pop up and one of the buttons in there is for sending a message. Click and go! :thumbsup:


The links to that manual are in your message box. :thumbsup:

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  • 8 years later...

Can I also get this manual sent to me?

I’m working on WF218ANW/XAA

  • Team Samurai

@Eboat  Here's the manual. In the future, please start a new topic when posting a request rather than tagging onto an old post.


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