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Could you send me the service manual for the above mentioned washing machine?

Thank you and greatly appreciated!



what's the problem ?

Wiring Sheet - 8571878.pdf

link PM'd


Hi Reg!

My washer will fill and then sit. I've bypassed the Lid switch to make sure it wasn't the problem. When it is time to agitate, I hear the motor hum then the thermo switch (?) trips after about 15 seconds then silence. The motor works in one direction for draining and spinning but not the other. I've made sure the centrifical switch (starter winding) was free and lightly lubed just to be sure. Is the Motor switch solid state or mechanical? Does the motor run in one direction for agitiate and the other for spin/drain? Clutch supposedly replace three years ago.

Thank you,

Drinking a Guinness black lager! Smooth and not too bad for a commercial brew!


Check your drain pump for a blockeage.

You could remove the pump from the motor,jump out the lid switch and run the machine with pump removed to verify a blocked pump.

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It drains fine when i turn in to spin cycle. Pumps rather quickly too. Are you thinking the pump won't allow the motor to run in reverse? I will go remove the pump. I see it just has clips that quickly come off. Uno momento!


... Is the Motor switch solid state or mechanical?

... Does the motor run in one direction for agitiate and the other for spin/drain?

1) mechanical

2) yes, power to the Run Winding and polarity of Start Winding is controlled by the (bad ?) Timer

If you could remove the Motor and try turning the Coupler in each direction ...

it will be harder to turn in one direction

OR, during Agitate, if you could measure the voltage across the Start Winding

and then the voltage across the Run Winding

  • Like 1

Thank you Grand Master! I may check the voltage etc. tomorrow. Right now the superbowl is on and if I drink one more beer, i may electrocute myself! I can spin the motor about the same in either direction using the shaft on the pump side with that removed. I thought if the timer were bad on normal cycle it may be ok in delicate or other. I'll mess with it at halftime... Go ????????? I don't care as long as i hit on my squares!! :-) Packers and Lions aren't in it so it's not as important!!!!



... Packers and Lions aren't in it so it's not as important !!!!


You could also remove the Motor, leave it electrically connected,

place on floor and hold between your feet.

Try Agitate and Spin

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That I think i can do tonight yet. At half time.


It appears to be the start winding on the motor. Points inside the start switch were pretty burnt. I cleaned them and problem persisted. With the motor out and still hooked up it would work on spin setting but when on agitate would humm and try to move. i could help it out (acting as a human starter winding) and it would take off and run at full speed. I figure the contacts were burned because this motor would never spin allowing the the centrifugul clutch to kick out and actuate the motor control switch so the points just sat there and fried. Looks like a motor is my only option unless someone knows how to magically re-animate the start winding. There is no burnt smell from the motor so must be a small short??


... power to the Run Winding and polarity of Start Winding is controlled by the (bad ?) Timer

if the Motor starts and runs in Spin, but not Agitate,

bad Timer contacts

click on picture


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  • 5 years later...
On 2/4/2012 at 4:23 PM, RegUS_PatOff said:

what's the problem ?

Wiring Sheet - 8571878.pdf

link PM'd

Hey Reg,

You still got this 'un?

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