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    • 01 March 2025 03:00 PM Until 04:00 PM
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Irriating orange bar across top of page......

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Hate the new orange bar across he top of the screen, taking away screen space and more junk to slow down browser!!!!

Wouldn't be so annoying if it would stay away when I click the little up arrow to make it go away and only the little arrow stays on the page, (but every new page that is openned it comes back - If I tell it to goaway it should be smart enough to stay away!!!!).

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I agree...

whole screen "scrolls" up and down ... up and down ... up and down


Didn't wanna say anything, but couldn't imagine trying to get used to that - always loads last just when you are about to click on something - makes the cursor act as a like pole of a magnet

  • Team Samurai

Thanks for bearing with me thru these little spearmints, dudes. I know just enough java programming to be annoying but I'm working hard to make it into full-fledged Slickhood. :blinky:

I think Willie hit the central deficiency: when you close it, it should remember your setting for that session. I've removed it until I figure out how to do that.

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  • Team Samurai

Okay! I took out a can o' good old fashioned Samurai whup-ass and kicked some smarts into that irritating orange bar! Now, when you click it closed, it will remember that setting. Domo to Willie for the suggestion! :thumbsup:

Please lemme know if you guys have any other problems or concerns with the irritating bar or anything else. :dazzler:

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I didn't realize I could "close" it

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  • Team Samurai

Yassah, just click the up arrah and she gone! A little ernch tab remains on the RHS in case you miss it and wanna see it again. :)


Thanks for giving that thing some smarts!!!!!! Not to bad now, also doesn't seem to be causing the slow down once it's been minimized.


Still find it annoying with the bright red arrow in a box that just hovers there corner - maybe a quieter presence - or disable it alltogether for masters and above


or disable it alltogether for masters and above

That sure sounds like an excellant idea, that would be great if that could be done!!!!!

  • Team Samurai

That would be optimal but the code for the bar is not part of the forum software code and has no way of connecting to the forum user database.

I'd appreciate it if you guys could just endure it for a bit while I give it enough time to see if this will help improve the conversion rates at this site.

The whole point of the bar is to help noobs see that there's a big video resource available for them to help them get stuff fixed. Preliminary results are very promising: almost 20% of daily traffic to this site click the link in the bar. That's a good thing!

As for the little tab that's left... Is it really difficult to just ignore it? When minimized, it's no longer a browser screen real estate or page loading issue. Please give it a few more days and see of you just start tuning it out like a banner ad or anything else you're not interested in seeing. I'd sho nuff apprecitate it, an' all. :)

Most users at this site are new, never been here before. Yes, we have a large and awesome core of regulars but the majority of the daily traffic is new eyeballs. If it helps improve the new user experience with minimal impact on the user experience of the regulars, would you agree that's a good thing?

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Most diffinitely if good for the forum.

I don't find it intrusive at all now that it stays minimized once I've told it to do so!!!!!


Using Windows XP on a 10" netbook

there is no "up / down arrow" to "hide" the "orange bar" :huh:


r.h. corner of bar - oddly enough, the same color as the bar just a bit darker shade

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... the same color as the bar just a bit darker shade

ahhh...thanks, found it .... just a bit darker :(

I can only see it WITHOUT my glasses

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I can only see it WITHOUT my glasses

... don't start ... :blink:
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