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Service manual request: Kitchenaid Ref. KSSC48QTS02 disp motor access

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I have a faulty ice dispensor motor and believe on this model I have to remove the front freezer door panel to access the motor. Wanted a service manual to be sure.


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Thanks for the quick response on the manual. However there is no motor access door on this. This has a user interface that is mounted behind the stainless steel front door panel above the dispenser.. Also from the wpl parts breakdown it appears the door handles are held in from screws behind the panel. No dispenser trim to remove as on traditional ice in door system. Sorry if i wasn't clearer.



Auger motor. I'll recheck for that door when i return with the motor. Still think you have to remove door panel to change user interface though. I will report back with iphone pictures later next week.


... stainless steel front door panel above the dispenser..

... No dispenser trim to remove as on traditional ice in door system.

see PDF page 49

"NOTE: There are two types of water and ice dispensers:

one for doors with panels, and the other for stainless steel trimless doors.

The front panels for each type of door are removed differently.

Refer to step 3 for paneled doors, or step 4 for stainless steel trimless doors,

to remove either type of front panel."

JOB AID 4317326A KAR-11

link PM'd 13 MB

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Ok, poop daddy gets the win on this one. Access door was where he said it was. Took 2 minutes to change.


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