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I have a crap load of repair manuals on the computer but I never know which I need. How do you guys know? Is there a site I can go to that will give me the part number of the manual or something to go on? I just have manuals with a very brief description and sometimes some numbers but they don't mean anything to me. Help PLEASE!!




the repair manuals should include model numbers or at least a description of the appliance model

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When I download a manual I retitle it before it's saved. That way you can arrange them by brand, type and model #. Depending on how many manuals you have, you should be done "retitling" by the 4th of july

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OR the 5th of never.

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I've seen repair manuals with 10 or more model numbers. Of course I could go through each one and somehow label it with a model number. I guess my question is, when I ask for a manual here on this board, you guys, normally Reg, has it for me almost immediately. How do you do it?

Sometimes I can go to a site like repairclinic.com and go to manuals and it has the part # of the manual needed. That helps a lot. But most of the time that's not the case.

I hate to come here and ask for a manual I already have but just cannot find.

I'd like to help others but I simply do not have a system in place to know what manual goes with what product.

Many manuals, for example, would say something like 30" Kenmore Range. Well how many 30" Kenmore Ranges have been made in the past hundred years? (For example)

Just trying to figure out what system works for you.

Thanks again.


SearsPartsDirect.com lists tech sheet number for entered model number


my cross-reference for Kenmore / Maytag / Whirlpool is is servicematters.com (subscription site)

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