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    • 15 March 2025 02:00 PM Until 03:00 PM
      All are invited to join in the conversation for all things Appliantological: bidness, customers, tools, troubleshooting, flavorite brewski, whatever. Webcams and microphones are open and live!
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      Who: This workshop is available to everybody, including you! You don't have to be a member of Appliantology to join the fun.
      When: Saturday, March 15 @10:00 AM Eastern Time.
      Where: Online via Zoom
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To Sensei Reg,

Send the Samsung french-door fridge RF267ABRS manual, please.

Domos in advance,

The Red Grasshoppah


Ive got that manual. What is your email address? I don't know how to PM you a message because its a file and not a link.


Ive got that manual.

what models does it cover ?

(listed on the first page)


Oh no. Mine start with RS. Im sorry.



Will the icemaker diagnostic section be the same? I've got a customer with an icemaker problem, and don't want to tackle this job with some technical data or be accused of being a PCM.


most Samsungs should be the same


Entering diagnostic mode using these manuals wasn't possible; I pushed and held Power Freeze and Power cool for 8, 12, and even 30 seconds--nothing. Is there an icemaker wiring diagram, like the WP family of modular head icemakers?

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