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Working on an old frigidaire SxS, customers returned home to a non functioning old style ice maker. Supply cord in freezer shocks me, can see arcing in connecting plug. The frezer door has 2door switches, one for freezer light & the other I surmise for the ice auger. The rear of unit has 3 water valves I would like to trace wiring out of courousity & also know how they are plumbed. I also would like to know as much info that I can find. This is my way of educating myself, do not have the luxury of attending traing schools. Yours help is always highly appreciated. Patricio


parts manual


wiring diagrams


there are (steering) Diodes in the Water Valve circuits..

When either the IceMaker Water Valve OR the Dispenser Water Valve is energized,

the Main Water Valve is also energized

(with some DC voltage)


Had to replace shorted connector plug feeding Frigidare SxS icemaker, bit me real good while diagnosing non functioning ice maker. What type of connectors & sealant would you have used in your repair? My local supply house does not know what RTV sealant is. Neither do I.


RTV = Room Temperature Vulcanizing

any of the silicone sealers, etc ...

White silicone adhesive, formulated for use in the dishwasher to adhere to tine tips & door gaskets, etc


A follow up question. With these steering diodes, can I jump the ice side water valve direct with a 120 jumper cord without doing any harm?

The dispensor side also ( it has the most wiring)?

The master water valve?

The ice maker connector has a short so I can not shorted it out to trigger ice valve. Shocks me pretty good when I handle it.

The dispensor valve has no problem, so I Disconnect from the water dispensor & connected it to Ice valve. Nothing when activated.

therefore I say defective ice valve. I would have like to direct wire from 120v just to be sure.


I do not understand this post .

you say you get shocked when you handle one of the connectors to the ice maker ? but you never say why , a connector just does not start shocking for the fun if it , is it wet ? , broken , cracked

is the ice maker making ice ? if so why are you touching the connector in the first place and if not find the real problem with the ice making and leave the connector alone , nobodys going to go in there to touch it and even if thay did, if it's in the freezer if the problem will go away once it freezes, and will not shock anybody

this is not an old fridge , so unless a rodent chewed wires i don't think you have wires going bare by themselves like a 50 year old coke cooler

A lot of these connectors will shock when wet , i have been shocked more than a few times , then i call myself a dumb **** , unplug the fridge and move on

also a spark at the connector(as your pluging it in) does not make the connector bad , it just tells you the ice maker is drawing power, ( myself, if i can get to the fridges plug , i unplug it before i plug in a ice maker , i have been "bit" more than a few times )

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.. can I jump the ice side water valve direct with a 120 jumper cord without doing any harm?

... The dispensor side also ( it has the most wiring)?

... The master water valve?

... therefore I say defective ice valve. I would have like to direct wire from 120v just to be sure.

1) yes

2) yes

3) yes

4) you could also OHM the Valve


Thank you RegUS for your info. You help me learn. Thank you Kdog for the link for the sealant. Is not that something I can get at an Auto parts store, an auto mechanic said they use it sometimes in their repair.

Cactus Bob I was called because the ice maker was not working. Old style whirlpool unit (not modular) would not go into harvest mode. Evidence of water leaksge coming from spout. Unpluged icemaker with unit pluged in. Wanted to jump watervalve thru connecttor plug. Bit me unplugging and bit me while handling connector, too much lead in cabinet 18 inches plus laying on top of auger box. plug arcing while moving it around. Customer standing behind me did not like. Plug probly shorting due to wetness. OK move on, Ice maker definatly dead.

Look up water shoot looks like frozen.

Next pull out fridge to jump water valve cause connector plug shocking and arcing so I can't stick my needle nose up plug to short. (going to by some gloves).

What I find is wet spot on wood floor in corner. As I continue I see water line not connected to ice maker inlet tube, leaking just a little. Cut to the chase, Ice maker not working, connector shorted, watervalve letting water pass, inlet tube frozen big time.

Was connector cracked, did not look too close, CUSTOMER did not like that at all. Yea tell her shocking is normal, I don't think so. What matters she wanted that fixed also. What did I do?

Picked up ice maker with extension plug connector & double water-valve after getting RegUS schematic next morning.

Cut out old connector, splice in new *(doesn't shock). Defrosted inlet spout & put reconnected I/M tubing. Installed new ice-maker, tripped to harvest mode, cycled just fine, no water though. Installed new valve, Put back in harvest mode, cycled, & water entered I/M. Adjusted water inlet mechanism on I/M up a notch.

Gave the Bill, collected my tools & left with a check, telling customer to call if it does not make ice. 28 hours later no call.

Prognosis Customer left for 10 days, I/M quit working for whatever reason, water valve was leaking thru the valve, How else did it get ice blockage (pretty thick I might add), then would not feed water until I replaced it. Did I do something wrong?

Yes I do ask a lot of guestions, appreciate the tech sheets, don't understand electronics that well. I am studing.

Sorry I confused you Cactus Bob. Now you understand my rational. Have a good night. Patricio :beersign: Have not had one in a long time.


Sounds like you dun just fine so long as the cheque clears .....

link for the sealant. Is not that something I can get at an Auto parts store,

You can get it right here - click the link to order

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Don't you just hate it when there standing right over you when things start to go wrong ?

When i get "bit" , i will just say " my falt" and not skip a beat , the homeowner will never know how much that hurt !

however you get to the end , you did get there . she has ice and you have money .... Good job !


... something I can get at an Auto parts store,

... water valve was leaking thru the valve,

1) Walmart, Target, etc ..

2) water leaking through the Valve can be caused by low water pressure,

caused by an external Water Filter or an RO (Reverse Osmosis) Water System.

Can also be caused by using a "self piercing" Saddle Valve on the House Water Supply

(should be a "drill type" Saddle Valve)

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Another day in 101 Thanks all. Bottom line repaired with a smile (good service with a quality repair). name is spreading in my small community.


It may be worth noting that the Dow-Corning 732 Silicone that was linked is not just your average Garden Variety RTV, it is "food grade", and is formulated so as not to give off any harmful toxins while curing - in the area's where it may contaminate food/dishes etc. of which the customer may consume.

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That is what I was looking for. Why was it so expensive, food grade. I add it to my next order from Repair Clinic. thanks kdog

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