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Looking for Service Manual for Kenmore 795.78769.800 (LG)

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The Freezer is on the bottom.  The ice maker and dispenser are on the left refrigerator door.  The dispenser recess cover is flat with the door.  There is no obvious place to pry anything with a screw driver or a putty knife. I ordered a chute door to correct the frosty chute but I can't figure out how that cover comes off without the risk of breaking or scratching something...


Many Thanks



Thanks both of you. It's exactly what I needed.  Seeing how this fridge is under service contract, and I'm the guy... It will be comforting to know the manual is sitting in my tab, the next time I go over there or encounter another one like it.

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The Great Reg, god of all things electrical and service manual-ly(?).  Despite the wait, I knew he would come... I just knew it....




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  • Team Samurai

I don't know how he does it!  it's his trade secret: converting Kenmore model numbers to their OEM equivalent.  



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