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Posted (edited)

Hi Everyone.  First I want to say thank you for all the material and help I've already gotten; this is a great site.  Second the reason I am posting here is to beg for a Samsung WF337AAG/XAA Service Manual.  I currently have a nd error (No Drain).  Thanks to this site and others I knew enough to check all the hoses and the Drain Pump.  They are clear; I even took the pump apart and cleaned out even the smallest amount of "gunk."  This unit was made in 2007 so there is no up front filter and the Drain Pump is also in the back.... currently easy to get to at least.  Anyway, I bench tested the pump by applying 120v directly to the terminals and the pump  runs like a champ.  When I test the plug that connects tot he pump I don't get much in the way of voltage.. assuming I'm doing the Drain test propertly.  Btw, I'm doing that by pressing "Spin + silvercare and Power" at the same time.  After it displays the software version I select "Soil"  My understanding is that, that should make the pump come on... it doesn't and I have no voltage down the line.


SO, all this leads me to believe that I've either got an expensive PCB issue or cheap wiring issue.  I would LOVE to check the pins on the board that activate the drain pump but I don't know where they are... I did find a manual that is iffy and it suggested pin1 on CN5 and Pin6 on CN10... I did find CN5 and CN10 but I'm not sure which pins are which.. that part was in Japanese. *shrug*


So in conclusion please please please, oh great master please, allow me to look upon the great scroll that is the Samsung WF337AAG/XAA Service Manual.  And also.. if anyone has any advice or help they could give me (especial in the way of the pin outs) I'd really appreciate the help.  OH, I'm attaching a picture of the control board below!


Thank you,

Cory :pint1:


Edited by bersules
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this may be your manual


Samsung WF428-448 Washer Service Manual

Model Name : WF448AAW WF448AAP WF448AAE WF438AAR WF428AAL

Code No.: DC68-02722B-01_EN



  • 2 weeks later...

I wanted to come back and give a report now that I've fixed the issue.  I figure there are other's out there with the same problem and if I can help them, all the better.


The manual that Grand Master Funk attached was useful but I had already found it in another post.  For my specific issue I was really hoping to discover more complete information on the specific wires directing the drainage pump to activate.  Now, if you read the provided manual you will see that the wire/pin is #6 for the CN10 and #1 pin for the CN5; but you may be saying to yourself... "ok I see on the board the CN5 and CN10 marked.. .but which wires are 6 and 1.  I believe I figured that out using a wire diagram I found when removing the top of the machine.  pin/wire 6 is Black and for me this was the wire I just couldn't get current through.  Wire 1 was white and when tested with other pins I saw that it could attain 120v.  After that test I felt fairly confident that it WAS the board and replaced it.  Guess what?  It was and all in all it was a great learning experience and saved me A LOT! and I mean A LOT!!!!! Of money.


Also, during my search for a manual I found a really good repair manual/guide I would love to attach here but don't know if I have that privilage.  I will try so others can have access.


Thank you very much and I HOPE some of this helps.

... I found a really good repair manual/guide I would love to attach here but don't know if I have that privilage.

you could post the link



Yep, I gave that a try.  The link is posted above yours, let me know if it worked.  Thanks for the help. ...btw I'm in need of a Dishwasher manual as well which is in another post. *shrug*  Just throwin' that out there. :)

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