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I've searched but have not gotten results for this model, some close but not sure if in the right year or generation.


Have not been out yet on this , problem is Ice auger quit working after another appliance guy was out.  He took evap cover off, left all the screws out of evap and shelves as well.  Grabbed the check for service call, and bolted when owner went to shop.  The owner had to put screws  and shelves back in.


I have these manuals in files





31-51607 mini.

Can you point me to right one, I have searched even the name performance, but that gives me stoves as well,  Not sure  what is the name of control system, not been out there.  Thanks for any info.

Posted (edited)

just a standard defrost timer and mechanical thermostat. Did you look up the diagram at Searspartsdirect or Appliancepartspros or did you just assume it had electronic controls?... Ya gotta do your due diligence.

fridge will be more like models in this 1994 manualhttp://appliantology.org/files/file/580-ge-refrigerator-1994-sxs-tfh-tfx-31-5245/

Check auger motor Part number: AP4339505

Part number: AP4339505


Disassembly found in video... See the wonders you can get find?... always check diagrams as well as manuals. 

Edited by DurhamAppliance
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Found the number for mini manual and got download PDF from another site.  31-5128  Drawing 197D2103P016.  No control board.

Posted (edited)

too much work... check diagrams at sears,  repair clinic,  appliance parts pros..... too easy... appliance parts pros will give you videos most of the time.  I can go to repair clinic,  look under " circuit board or timer"  and find that info.  Now knowing it is a standard sxs,  all I need to do is find the potential part.  Then use the part number and get a hands on video from Appliancepartspros all before you can download that mini manual.  Not sure if I ever used a manual for a non board controlled fridge. 


To check auger,  simply hold door switch,  engage ice dispenser button  and check to see if auger motor is getting 110v.  


btw,  if you don't here a click when engaing dispenser button,  you made need a microswitch or cradle that activates it    Part number: AP2067517

Part number: AP2067517

Edited by DurhamAppliance
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Thanks, Durham, I was still trying to be dilligent, blind hog found an acorn, I had no clue what it had, and wondering what I will find destroyed when I get there.

May be some wires not put back together. I now have to find out about the augers more have never taken apart. see on print door switch and Ice selector are in circuit.

I'm still rolling and searching trying to predict what this guy could have done. Second time so far I have had to follow him.


Are you saying they have the wire diagrams, I have found some , but not all the time, a wire diagram even basic tech sheet. Think that was on sears??

. I also had heard the wrong letters for the model number, tts, tps or tpx, all sound the same on phone with my hearing loss.. lol Going to one of the video sites to see the problems with auger, APP or repair clinic. Thanks

Posted (edited)

Am I wasting my time  Cur? i posted two videos above.. wiring diagram not needed...How easy can I make it for you? . But if you want to go trapesing about the Internet looking for who knows what,  be my guest. 


btw also sometimes the bucket drive gets stripped. 


also there are hardly any differences among those pre 2001 GE  SxS models. 


Tell ya what,  if you have any problems at the repair site,  you are welcomed to me but I think you will find it rather easy. 

Edited by DurhamAppliance
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DURHAM, I was just watching the video, you gave me.  It takes for ever to down load on my computer, slow feed pauses, Don't have High speed connection,    I am hearing you  sir... Taking notes. and following.  Got to read what you posted.  Thanks for the aditional input. 

Posted (edited)

Watched vid on micro switches, I dont have any pictures, to refrence, have no idea what I will find,  But now I do because of your help.  I want a wire diagram to try and locate test points. Have the road map, control power, and some idea what wire goes where and to what,  That's just my first priority from years of electrical trouble shooting.  A video may show me that, I just want it in my tool box.  May not need it it may be simpler than I think, but I expect the worst and hope for the best.


Going to the parts diagram was very helpful, Got a visual picture, youre ahead of me, in reasearch and discovery, discovering ways to find answers faster, I'm still catching on to approach, which end to start at.


My first time on this unit dont even have a idea what it looks like yet. lol.


Will do as you recommended first check for clicks of micro switch,  The guy before me, Idon't know if he was in this door display area or not, may hear a click and the wire not even be on the switch lol.


From what I saw both on wire diagram and parts diagram is the  power goes first to control  display board, through  Ice type selector switches,


Dont see a micro switch on wire diagram but thanks to you I now know they are there.

I see the wire feeding the auger motor  is a black wire.


IF switches and control power are good : I should be able to do voltage test at door display area for output and again at door hinge connection. Confirming no broke wires.


I have found some broken wires in doors before, Poor connections at terminals.


Auger motor resistance is 2 ohms


Was told the guy was in evap compartment, but don't know if he was in auger area also??


This is all learning, pre planning for me, and your help has been great.  Remember the customer said it was working before he showed up.

Edited by curjones

Could be something as simple as the auger motor frozen up with moisture/ice - that happens sometimes, (especially if the ice chute door doesn't happen to close correctly - rusted solenoid).

Posted (edited)

Did you watch both videos? The first one will show you how to reassemble anything near, at the auger the other tech took apart.  The ice dispenser ie auger motor is a 120 v motor... if you hear it trying to turn... do as Budget suggests.  If you don't hear anything,  test the voltage at the motor... no test points,  just check the lines for 120 v.   Checking at the door is fine but you have to access the motor anyway just to see if the previous tech disconnected anything..  so to quickly get this done. 


1) press dispenser paddle with door closed.  Listen for the click of the microswitch and the auger motor.   

2) if you hear the auger motor,  then open the door, remove the ice bucket, press the door switch and engage the paddle again 

3) do you see the auger drive turning?  If not, try to turn it by hand.. it may be frozen or seized. , If you cannot turn the motor try turning it with a, screw driver or long metal shaft wedged between the spindle.  If still unable,  try defrosting it with your steamer or remove it and use hot water on the shaft.   If you cannot turn it and it is getting 120v,, replace it., Also check for stripped spindle /shaft


4) If you hear a click at the dispenser but do not hear the auger motor,  access the motor and test the auger motor for 120v.  If getting 120vac replace auger motor.  If not, getting 120 vac  check connector at door then perform continuity test on microswitch.  If all tests fine,  replace dispenser control. 


btw,  make sure the auger inside the ice bucket turns freely. , If everything appears to be working fine,  then your spindle may not turn when ice is in the bucket... too much weight... may have to replace auger do to a stripped shaft. 

Edited by DurhamAppliance
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