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Fridgidaire, Refer, FGHC2331PF0, door replacement, freezer, refer, both

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I looked at the service manual request forum. I never knew how to search before and found the tutorial a great help! Unable to find a manual on a FGHC233,  and I need guidance on how to replace the two door skins on this french door fiasco. Any help and guidance on this is appreciated. If you've worked on one of these and have a tip, a tip is also appreciated. Once again, Domos to all in the appliance realm who seek mutual enlightenment under the arcane umbrella of corporate hegemony.


I'm looking on how to replace the handle, the water connections, the fit and adjustment, etc…I will likely photograph my work and post it on the service forum...


Well, the parts list helped. I must say that this was the easiest door change on a side by side with a dispenser I've ever done. 

   Not sure if this will help anyone but I promised to post something and here it is. Please forgive typos and such...


Disconnect power.

Open freezer and turn off the ice maker.

Remove the top hinge cover and disconnect the three molex connectors - no need to disconnect or shut off the water supply.

Remove the ground screw from the top hinge.

Remove the front grill or kick plate.

Disconnect the water line at the bottom of the door, leaving the John Guest fitting off the line, but still attached to the line from under the refer.

Loosen and remove the two 3/8 screws on the top hinge and carefully remove the hinge and set atop the refer, while holding the door, then pick the door up and set on a flat surface.

Look up into the dispenser and note the two screws holding the narrow plastic cover - remove the narrow plastic cover.

Note the two black colored screws holding the dispenser display and remove the two screws. 

Gingerly pull the display away from the dispenser and disconnect the mini wire harnesses. 

Take a photo of the remaining dispenser wiring and store it on your phone to refer during reassembly.

Note the two silver colored screws holding the dispenser, and the green ground wire clipped to the upper portion of the door skin.

Remove the ground wire by pushing it off with your finger.

Note the black plastic zip tie holding the water line in place and remove the zip tie.

Note the proximity of the electronic circuit board on the dispenser and use care not to allow water to drip onto it during the next step.

Remove the two silver colored screws and carefully extract the dispenser assembly, while removing the water line from the three clips, and disconnecting the wire connectors.

Remove the wire harness by gently pulling it up through the top of the door and feed it into the new door.

Remove the water line by gently pulling it up through the dispenser area and re feed it into the new door, through the dispenser first and pushing it toward the bottom. Leave about two inches exposed at the bottom.

Carefully remove the plastic sheeting covering the new door around the edges and the gasket area, but leave it intact on the face of the door.

Using a 3/32 allen key remove the two screws holding the handle and gently lift the handle and set aside. Use a 3/8 tool to remove the holding bolts and place on the new door and tighten. Re attach the handle and tighten.

Remove the gasket from the old door and place onto the new door. It's easy!

Re install the dispenser into the new door and place the water line into the three clips, careful not to allow any water drops to spill onto the circuit board.

Carefully place the door back onto the refer and attach the top hinge and two screws, aligning the door. Tighten the screws. Connect the ground wire, but do not connect the three molex connectors yet!

Connect the water line at the bottom and pull the excess back up and into the dispenser area. You may have to play with the length of tubing until it sits right.

Re connect the wiring.

Re attach the green ground clip and wire to the under side of the dispenser area - refer to your photo!

Check your work with the photo on your camera. Check the route of the water line and ensure it is relaxed  and correctly positioned.

Connect the wires remaining to the display board and re attach the display.

Re attach the cosmetic faceplate. 

Connect the three molex connectors and replace the cosmetic hinge cover. Plug the unit back in. 

If you get a trouble code like I did, the unit will beep for about five minutes and then suddenly stop and return to normal display.

It's a snap to change. Remove the rest of the plastic cover protecting the door skin, turn on the ice maker, don't forget the plastic compartments on the inside of the door, and collect!


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Reeferman, it would be great if you copied that procdedure and placed it in the Dojo or Kitchen forum. If someone is searching for this issue, they would not think to look inside a service manual request post. That's the reason why we asks to reserve this forum for manual requests only as guys usually will not read it for general information. Thanks!

  • Team Samurai

No worries:  I posted reeferman's excellent tutorial in my blog.  Domo, reeferman, and great job! 

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cool, now everyone can benefit from it!


On the posting in manual requests. Duh! All that work just sitting there! Thanks to both of you.

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