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    • 15 March 2025 02:00 PM Until 03:00 PM
      All are invited to join in the conversation for all things Appliantological: bidness, customers, tools, troubleshooting, flavorite brewski, whatever. Webcams and microphones are open and live!
      Also, follow this Calendar Event so you'll get notified of new posts here. Look for the "Follow" button either at the top of the topic on desktop or below the topic on mobile.
      Who: This workshop is available to everybody, including you! You don't have to be a member of Appliantology to join the fun.
      When: Saturday, March 15 @10:00 AM Eastern Time.
      Where: Online via Zoom
      Click here to register. If you're interested, register now. Arrive a couple minutes early to make sure your connection is working. Set a reminder for yourself for this workshop so you don’t miss it. 

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Need service manual for whirlpool fridge model# ed2fhgxs000




The correct model number is ED2FHGXSQ00


Click HERE to download the wiring sheet (which needs admin approval before it can be downloaded).


I was wondering why does it need approval in order to download?... and how do I get approval

  • Team Samurai

The correct model number is ED2FHGXSQ00


Click HERE to download the wiring sheet (which needs admin approval before it can be downloaded).




I was wondering why does it need approval in order to download?... and how do I get approval


I retain editorial control over the Downloads section so it doesn't become a useless jumble of files.  Using the Downloads section is all about search.  I want to ensure that all file submissions are properly tagged, titled, and include all meta data that may be used to find them in a search.  We tried to the free-for-all thing a few years back-- where anyone could approve their own uploads-- and it was a mess.  When you search for a file that's in the Downloads section and you actually find it, I want you to cross yourself and say, "Thank you, Jesus, for making the Samurai such an obsessive-compulsive freak about file formatting in the Downloads section."

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